6'6 "woman" brings a knife to a gunfight with a cop.     (x.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to WatchPeopleDie 3 hours ago (+19/-1)
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American politics     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by lord_nougat to USPolitics 8 hours ago (+39/-1)
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God damn it!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by lord_nougat to Niggers 5 hours ago (+20/-0)
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The world's most moral army now bombing hospital tents, burning to death bedridden patients hooked up to IVs     (x.com)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to Jews 6 hours ago (+19/-0)
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More videos and stills:



If your reaction to this is "hurr durr dead mudslimes" you're missing the point. Pissrael is a rogue nation and needs to be wiped off the map by Russia, China, and Iran. The kikeroach psychopaths would gladly do this to the rest of the goyim if they could.

Bombing hospitals, schools, and other civilian structures.
Bombing aid trucks and doctors.
Sniping children or just shooting them in the head at close range.

And the rest of the world does nothing because they don't want to be called anti-semitic...


Did @Fascinus get abducted by aliens? Hasn't posted in three weeks     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Responsible citizen?      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 6 hours ago (+17/-0)
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My other Adolf Hitler album     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by __47__ to pics 6 hours ago (+19/-1)
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Another quite hard to find record with marches and speeches. No visible copyright I can find.
Made a crab robot with the boy.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by MaryXmas to Fatherhood 2 hours ago (+9/-1)
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You have never seen pure joy until you see a child with a crab robot.
"We all support Israel..." Speak for yourself, bitch.     (x.com)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to videos 4 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Get a Dashcam     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Kozel to TellUpgoat 10 hours ago (+29/-1)
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With the amount of niggers and beaners on today's highways it is an absolute must. They drive like retards and then do everything they can to avoid responsibility and shift the blame to you.

Last week a beaner decided to bully me out of my lane because he didn't like the safety gap I left. But I didn't feel like being bullied. So he got pit maneuvered instead. And he told the insurance a fictional story of the account. I didn't say much, just sent the video over and received 0 liability seconds later. And now this stupid beaner has pay to repair my car, repair his rental, and get royally fucked on insurance rates if not outright dropped for willfully causing a collision. And maybe I'll even show the video to the CHP.

On the other hand, my buddy with a body shop gets to work and I put my rental car allowance toward my mortgage.

Before I had a dashcam I had a similar incident with a nigger. And of course the nigger blamed me. And it was a coin toss whether justice would prevail. And leaving it to a coin toss or an investigation is a bust half the time.

So put a bill towards a camera and install it right away. 2.5k-4k on the front, at least 1080 on the rear. Buy a hardwire kit, or contact the manufacturer they might send you a free one. Fuse tap one fuse that's always on and another that's only on when the ignition turns on. Don't fuse tap your fuel pump or things like that obviously.

$60 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DH8PG8BY/
$100 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098WVKF19/
$160 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL4FQBQV/
Beauty Trends     (whatever)
submitted by WNwoman to whatever 8 hours ago (+20/-0)
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I was discussing beauty trends with some other couples recently and I’m curious about what men here find attractive. It seems most women these days feel they have to spend copious amounts of money to maintain nails, lashes, Botox and lip fillers. Do men even like these things? My husband thinks less is more and hates the instagram look.
This youtuber is a bit more based than the others     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Equalizer to gaming 8 hours ago (+20/-0)
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As much as the jews are trying to get this audience there is also guys like this.

What the above shows is that there is some media consumption in the world that is not fully controlled by jews. People like to suggest otherwise but they wouldn't by buying companies if they already had total control.

Thing is this audience (including gamers) are the last to accept uglified and trans characters (which is why Concord failed) so it's hilarious to see how jewed all anime/manga and games coming from the east will eventually be woke shit like the west.

The ensuing pushback from the east+rest of the world who consume their media and games will be too big and the jews behind it will be called out more.
Two very beautiful White Women.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteBeauty 11 hours ago (+30/-0)
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Two Boer ladies at the recent Heroes Day celebrations in Orania where they honored the memory of Paul Kruger
Legend says that only a Construction Worker pure of heart may retrieve it     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by iSnark to Meme 12 hours ago (+33/-0)
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3 niggers rape a White woman and force her boyfriend to watch.     (www.fox5atlanta.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Niggers 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Niggers     (9gag.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to NiggerCulture 2 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Doxxing @Love240     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Master_Foo to Christcucks 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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5th Circuit rules ISP should have terminated Internet users accused of piracy     (arstechnica.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to technology 12 hours ago (+25/-0)
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in other words people that are accused of "piracy" will be expunged from the digital life.
Woo Hoo! North Korea now sending troops to fight with Russia     (www.reuters.com)
submitted by CoronaHoax to WorldPolitics 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Former officer with East Germany’s secret police sentenced to prison for a border killing in 1974     (apnews.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Russia send its goyim to the meat grinder     (slavlandchronicles.substack.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 5 hours ago (+7/-0)

One of the insidious ways in which the propagandists have been able to get people onboard with the Antifa-BRICS SMO or with the Democracy Values Yes! campaigns waged by both sides of this war is to act like they are fighting the war in a special, more advanced way that makes it significantly less nasty. But the literal opposite is true. This is one of the nastiest wars ever and both sides don’t want you to know that.

Since we focus on the Russian side of things here at Chronicles, we often focus on the fate of the Russian soldiers

But if you want a bland but grim take on how bad Zelensky’s regime is, you can always read about that too on your >own. It is sort of assumed that the reader knows just how bad and Hebraic Kiev is.

ZAnon claims that there are anywhere from 100-17 to 1 UAF deaths to Russian army deaths. This is patently absurd. But it makes Westerners feel better to hear these lies by the likes of Ritter, Macgregor, Escobar and the rest. It makes the war feel like it is not costing anyone anything other than the evil Satano-Fascists who had it coming.

In contrast, Rusich came out with an interesting post the other day putting the lie that the Kremlin takes care of its troops better than Kiev does to rest. The Kremlin routinely sends fresh recruits to their deaths with little to no training whatsoever. This is how they are conducting this most humanitarian and moralitarian of wars.

Well, actually, we have plenty of evidence to suggest that new men who foolishly signed up a few days ago are being sent to their deaths en masse. They seem to be disproportionately from the lower, quasi-criminal caste of society. Like this recent example:

Beginning, August 22, 2024: "Contract with the Ministry of Defense signed", "Young millionaire at 18", "Fck, hohols, wait for me, fucking assholes". While drinking with his fellow soldiers.

Culmination, beginning of September 2024: Sent to Kursk Oblast without training. "The battalion commander fucks us in the deepest shit, from where it is very difficult to get out", "I was a pedaras all my life. I decided to go to "SVOoshka", I thought I would change. I don't want to die, but there is no way out."

End, September 14: Died there, in Kursk Oblast.

In total, only 24 days passed from signing the contract to his death. He did not make it to his first salary, nor >did he receive a lump sum payment.

women should be property too     (youtube.com)
submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 hour ago (+4/-1)
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jews are afraid of being associated with (((Columbus))).     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by allAheadFull to Jews 6 hours ago (+8/-0)
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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to BasedDepartment 1 hour ago (+3/-1)
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North Carolina hurricane recovery team relocated amid threat of ‘armed militia’     (archive.is)
submitted by Spaceman84 to news 10 hours ago (+15/-0)
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