Caricature artist on jewesses     (media.128ducks.com)
submitted by SumerBreeze to FunnyVideos 5 hours ago (+30/-0)
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Because he's White.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 5 hours ago (+25/-0)
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Dude's also a complete fucking moron with near nigger iq but he would never have been charged if was a nig.
Check out this fuckin butterfly original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to pics 4 hours ago (+17/-1)
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Confidential Pfizer FOIA Documents Reveal mRNA Vaccines Are Bioweapon     (thepeoplesvoice.tv)
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 6 hours ago (+19/-1)
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How do you justify giving a man 27 months in prison for illegally throwing a bicycle when you don't even provide bicycle throwing lolcenses?     (x.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Eurovasion 3 hours ago (+11/-0)
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When I see a white guy wearing his pants like a nigger     (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 6 hours ago (+16/-1)
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I want to cave in his skull with a hammer 🔨

Niggers too
The coolest shop owner in any video game: Mr Herbert Moon from Read Dead Redemption-Undead Nightmare     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
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It is a pity that those jew zombies got him though
Honorary Aryan Candace Owens DESTROYS evil kike rabbi Shmuley on the Piers Morgan Show     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to Jews 3 hours ago (+10/-3)
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Rabbi Shmuley had the FBI sent to Candace’s house before. This is the power this Mossad kike has in our country.
Continuing the theme of "insects on zinnias" original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by bobdole9 to pics 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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@PeckerwoodPerry - I have had hummingbirds drink from zinnias as well...pretty sweet to watch. I have a couple of finches that will eat the seeds too.

Anybody who likes bugs should grow zinnias.

"girl"? repairs broken ps1     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to gaming 4 hours ago (+7/-0)
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is this girl really female? i'm confused, something about her face is giving me red flashes. anyhow, i really like to watch people fixing or building computers from the ground up.


do girls really like electronics that much i wonder?
Deus Ex - creators carpet bombed the truth in the year 2000.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to gaming 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
Why cancer rates were rare in the past but common today     (TheEternalJew)
submitted by didyouknow to TheEternalJew 2 hours ago (+6/-1)
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Cancer has been intentionally induced by the jews to reduce the world population and make tons of money using a treatment they created for cancer, that is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy started as a research conducted by the U.S. Department of Defense (formerly known as Department of War) to create new chemical weapon agents using mustard gas. The person who set up the contract that led to this research was Milton C. Winternitz, a jew. The research later suddenly turned into a ''medical research'' involving using toxic chemical agents to 'treat' cancer. This research led to further research conducted by jews. One prominent example would be Sidney Farber, who is hailed as the 'father of chemotherapy'. It was Farber's fraudulent research that led to chemotherapy being the primary treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy was recognized early on that it was not only harmful to the body but ineffective against cancer but that didn't do anything because chemotherapy was not only making people sick and killing them off, but it was also making them a lot of money. Chemotherapy today is a billion dollar industry.

Chemotherapy targets all cells in the body, the only fighting it does against cancer is that because chemotherapy is such a toxin, it will also kill cancer cells as it does not discriminate. However chemotherapy does more harm than good. There's a few important alternatives that the body uses to combat the onset of cancer. Anytime a cell gets mutated, the cell will try to repair the damaged DNA before it divides, immune system cells will detect these mutated cells and eliminate them or mutated cell will have apoptosis (self-destruction) induced to kill itself off. Chemo targets the immune system, making one of these alternatives weaker and thus making the body more susceptible to getting new forms of cancer. This is why it's common with chemo to have the cancer come back and more aggressively.

Not all cells are able to divide to create new cells. We got nerve cells and heart cells that can not reproduce so any damage done to them will be permanent so guess what? Chemo targets these cells as well, this is why heart problems and neurological diseases happen with people who had chemo treatment. Also chemo weakens the persons cognitive functions, making them dumber.

This is what we still use as primary treatment for cancer today. Is it any wonder why people who treat cancer die off like flies? It was reported in one hospital in Britain that 50% of cancer patient died to chemo and NOT the cancer.

What is however effective against cancer and has shown consistently to be effective are fruits and vegetables that are rich in polyphenols. It's a chemical compound found prominently in plants and what gives them their color. In the past, people were more agricultural and grew their own food and did it on their own natural soil. Meaning no bullshit pesticides and no GMO. Polyphenols serves as a defense mechanism for these plants to protect them from pests. When using pesticides, that defense is lessened which means both the quantity and quality of polyphenols created by these plants will be lessened significantly thus making them less healthy which also means it lessens its anti-cancer effect.

Genetically modifying the plants to change their size and have them live longer will also cause negative changes to polyphenols and other natural chemical compounds that's beneficial to one's health.

Blueberries for example have been shown in studies to be highly effective against cancer because its polyphenol content. Polyphenol is an antioxidant and has also anti-inflammatory effects. Polyphenol has the ability to suppress the growth of cancer, it reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients cancer cells get and are able to induce apoptosis on these cancer cells, all without harming a single healthy cell.

Turmeric is another example. Very rich in polyphenols with strong anti-cancer effects. Turmeric has the biggest bioavailability (meaning where it has the most effect) in the colon system of the body. Meaning it's effective against preventing and treating colon cancer. This is why despite how filthy the pajeets are have low colon cancer rates because they consume a lot of turmeric.

It makes sense why in the past as people were eating real natural food which naturally had properties that is effective against cancer would have much lower cancer rates compared to today.

And if we look at the diet of people today and how many things that are loaded with carcinogenic ingredients they consume, are we surprise to see how cancer is everywhere? The jews have turned it upside down.

Not to mention all the vaccines people inject today. Not to mention all the exposure to all forms of harmful chemicals in the air and also in the water we drink.

This is a practice that's happening all over the world. This shows that cancer rates today are there by design, by the orchestration of jews seeing how the society we have today is a society they created and that they run entirely. It wasn't the case 100 years ago, they had a lot of power back then but not totally. Thus society was run more rationally, especially in regards to diet.

And who was there to provide the solution to the very problem they created? the jews off course with their chemotherapy poison. Just take a look at how much money they've made by poisoning and killing of the non-jew...
THE CARS ― MOVING IN STEREO (1978)     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by iSnark to GenerationX_Radio 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
Life isn't fair.      (whatever)
submitted by MaryXmas to whatever 8 hours ago (+17/-5)
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Do people not understand this? Jewish people murder protesters because they want to. Black people are not trusted. White men are rejected from social support and don't get college scholarships, women are paid less. It has nothing to do with being fair or not, no one gives a shit. Find a reason to live and stop caring about the hand you have been dealt and start figuring out how to live your life the best that you are able, despite the difficulties.
Also applies to upstate NY     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to whatever 8 hours ago (+13/-1)
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Review of 'Black State' - "might have the most realistic graphics we've ever seen." (hasn't released, this is just a graphics review with gameplay)     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Sector2 to gaming 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Whether the game is actually fun or worth playing is To Be Determined when it releases. This is just about the graphics and seamless advance through levels.
"Pagans were subverted by the jews. Also, to solve the problem of jewish subversion, become a pagan." - @Master_Foo     (Christcucks)
submitted by CHIRO to Christcucks 4 hours ago (+7/-2)
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Upgoat on its way to the comment section after someone posts music that isn't boring shitty dad rock     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to NutziHiveKickers 6 hours ago (+10/-3)
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sooo what's going on in Colorado?      (whatever)
submitted by frankenham to whatever 5 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Not seeing a whole lot after the hells angels heading to Aurora to fight if the Venezuelans. Seems like a blackout on the situation, whats the scoop?
Food dye tartrazine (Yellow#5) makes mice skin as transparent 'as glass', revealing organs, scientists discover     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to science 12 hours ago (+22/-0)
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You know who you are (bald cuck)      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to cringe 8 hours ago (+11/-2)
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We're All Hitlerists now - The New American Religion     (www.anarchonomicon.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to religion 9 hours ago (+12/-1)
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Congratulations @Master_Foo (Real Name: Harry Schmeckle) on your recent GED from Lower East Side Rabbinical College.     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 6 hours ago (+6/-1)
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That Penis Snipping class was a bitch, but you finally made it on your 6th attempt! We're proud of you, Bless Your Heart!
Waylon Jennings Luckenbach Texas     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by iSnark to RadioFreeVOAT 23 minutes ago (+1/-0)
Crackhead Does a Backflip off of a 2 Story House for $1     (youtu.be)
submitted by Scyber to FunnyVideos 26 minutes ago (+1/-0)
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It's only a minute long so watch to see what happens.