I'm old now, but find this still is hard to get over. All the Neil Degrasse Tyson hate brought it up. My family (very whirr, very rural,Midwest) fucking loved that guy. I just never questioned it. Like, they adored him and wouldn't stfu about the brilliant stuff he would supposedly say. Being raised by commie parents is so unbelievably painful. They loved everyone and everything accept their own. They'd rather have raised 20 multicolored refugees than their own white children.
Before you know it, it takes 2 years to get a permit, and everything is banned. And watch as every single county outside Denver rejects this, like they did all the other shit they tried ramming through. Also, how does this make any sense? So on one hand crazy Trumpman will kill us all, but on the other hand disarm yourself so we can go fight orange man?
The radial motor made its first appearance in 1903, when Charles Matthews Manly built a water cooled five cylinder model he installed in Langley's Aerodrome A aircraft.
That thru decades of engineering morphed into the 14 cylinder, twin row Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp.
Four of which powered the Lockheed Constellation that is still the largest piston powered aircraft ever, 175,000 were produced more than any other aviation piston engine in history. FligtlineWeekly .
Yeah. She was a piece of shit. Basically, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg have created a bunch of Marxist robot women who think they're smart because they're "informed" and on the side of "science."