Yardwork: a bird or possum (most probable culprit) pooped on my garden seat and hardened like lacquer and nothing I used can get it off viz WD40; turps; nailpolish remover.
(imgur.com)https://imgur.com/a/6JP0pfhso I'm gunna need to scrape it off and repaint the area. The nailpolish remover started to take off the paint but not the shit!
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[ - ] @lord_nougat 2 points ago (+2/-0)
Did you try vigorously licking it clean?
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[ - ] @WhiteCollarCriminal 1 point ago (+1/-0)
I can't see it, says requires registration. I really wanted to see some bird sheeeeiiiiiit before bed. Dangit!
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[ - ] @Nosferatjew 1 point ago (+1/-0)
Sounds like it's not going to rub off onto your dress if you sit on it, so what's the big deal?
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[ - ] @bosunmoon 1 point ago (+1/-0)
Your link is retarded and gay, but try your own piss and spit.
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