The Fact that not a single FBI agent has been named for their disgusting behavior toward the J6, nor prosecuted, tells me all I need to know about Donald Trump.
(whatever)Not a single FBI agent. Not a single DOJ official. Not a single judge got the same treatment
as consequences for what they did."Muh firings."
This was not what was promised.
Perp walks for the overreaches and abuses, prison time for the subhuman parasites that did these things, that was what was promised.
And all of this and worse, at a ever-larger scales, will happen again, whichever party is selected for power, in four years, eight years, ten years. sooner or later it will happen again.
Next time it will be five thousand people, or ten. And it won't just be the capitol that a riot is manufactured by the collaborators in the intelligence agencies and political machines.
It'll be across numerous cities in numerous states.