Stopped off at a mall. My wife wanted to go in and look. We rarely do this. So I gotta take a piss and go into a bathroom. I walked into a stall and there it was. A turd the size of a Pringles can. No way it would flush down. You'd have to chop it up with an axe or a stick or something. How in the hell can something like that come out of a mans ass? I'll never know and I don't wanna know. I pity the fool who shit that monster.
I reunited with my wife in the mall and she asked me what was wrong. I was obviously traumatized. I said "Pringles can...ta ta ta turrrrddd". She was like wut? I tried to take her in the bathroom and show it to her but she wouldn't go and I don't blame her but gotdamn it was a sight to see. I should've stood outside the bathroom and started charging admission to people to go in and see it.
This is the recipe. I have followed it correctly except I soaked the pork in the OJ and lime juice overnight and added jalapeños to the bake. This always turns out awesome. Will make tacos with cilantro and onion after pan frying the carnitas after the oven. Recipe calls for broiling, but I like more control on the stovetop.
offers sex education lessons to very young children, and volunteer members have been invited by elected officials to discuss "children's rights, consent, and intimate parts of the body”
As you know I bought a laptop (Lenovo $800) recently to use in my new Home Office aka the cellar and it's proved to be fine but I get tired of needing to recharge the battery seemingly all the time. At the end of the day I'm an old-fashioned Desktop and Box man but I think my next PC purchase will be an all-in-one. Did you find that interesting you miserable sod!