With some helpful feedback from other goats (@kozel, thank you... it was 100% Ionos, btw, I did everything right. They admitted it and had to manually intervene.) I've got a news aggregator that is functional. It does load a lot of news from many feeds. But it should be pretty comprehensive. If you are aware of other good news streams, I'd love to know about them. it is trivial to add extra streams.
The archive button should allow you to read most paywalled articles with ease.
I have dunked on @Conspirologist a bit over the years for being bad at what he does and, if I were @Conspirologist, I would build such a feed with buttons to share good content. This is, essentially, a tool for him, but I find it very useful, myself.
I am open to feedback and constructive criticism. I am not a coder. I'm more of a script kiddie. So, this is all already more time than I want to waste building something useful.
I DO NOT want to operate a site that hosts comments. @system has already built something perfectly fine and perhaps my feed gives more goats the opportunity to find and post good content easily.
I don't know how mobile friendly this site is and idgaf. Get off your phones. I barely touch mine.
This site cost $12 to put up and I didn't actually intend for it to be a news aggregator.
There are no cookies, no trackers... it is just straight html made by python script + GPT commands.
If there is any kiond of tracking by my host, please let me know. You should all be using appropriate extensions, anyways, though.
I am still working on the rest, which should serve to be a vault of articles that reveal a large arc of corruption and point at the puppetmasters. It is not done, yet, but the news aggregator is.
There are a plethora of new AI tools that help sift and sort through a lot of information.
BUT, even local AIs seem a bit pozzed. And gosh darned slow af.
I am HOPING, once my vault collection is smart enough, to, then, use it to do white papers and extensive OSINT in such a way that names and evidence are spelled out very clearly.
Who am I targeting? The politically protected pedophiles, of course. And that pisses some people off.
Take note of them.Why is it important to go after politically protected pedophiles? Because they are the heart of corruption for every other kind of skullduggery and trafficking. Revealing politically protected pedophiles reveals corrupt governmental, NGO, and corporate corruption.
I mean... most of you know this. I shouldn't even have to say it.
Take note of those who hate.
To me, the Internet is a contest between those who want the corruption exposed and those who do not.
There is no more important singular purpose to the Internet than exposing corruption on a massive scale.
Why? Because the trickle down effect of quality of life improvement for the entire world would potentially usher in a golden age simply by creating a digital immune system to catch the psychopathic narcissists who put themselves in charge of every problem so they can charge you for it while they rape your kids.