'The system doesn't just create propaganda - it creates contained paths for those who see through propaganda.'
(stylman.substack.com)https://stylman.substack.com/i/154202753/beyond-the-first-veilTitle is a quote from this paragraph. The 'forced participation' part refers to having to repeat the lies, thus becoming complicit with ones oppressors.
This principle of forced participation hasn't disappeared - it has evolved. Today's system doesn't merely demand silence but active complicity in its narratives, weaponizing resistance itself as a means of influence. Watching trusted voices expose real corruption, only to redirect into managed solutions, reveals an even deeper pattern: The system doesn't just create propaganda - it creates contained paths for those who see through propaganda. Breaking free from mainstream programming is only the first step. What follows is both subtler and just as disturbing. Untethering from institutional narratives creates an immediate vulnerability—the need for new answers, new leaders, new direction. Those who steer the first matrix wouldn't leave the off-ramps unsupervised.
This guy is an insightful writer and you should read the whole article, unless you prefer to be happy.