It's about replacing cattle not farmers     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VaccineWaters to whatever 5 hours ago (+31/-0)
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Daniel Penny (subway nigger destroyer) trial started yesterday. If he gets free it could be the chimpout they need right before the election.     (img.gvid.tv)
submitted by allAheadFull to conspiracy 8 hours ago (+33/-0)
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At max fatigue levels     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by drhitler to Niggers 10 hours ago (+52/-0)
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Remember, there is no record of them here!     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by bossman131 to random 6 hours ago (+27/-0)
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Why are there so many niggers in Philadelphia?     (funny)
submitted by PotatoWhisperer2 to funny 10 hours ago (+33/-0)
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They heard there was crack in the liberty bell.
U.S. Study on Puberty Blockers Goes Unpublished Because of Politics, Doctor Says:The leader of the long-running study said that the drugs did not improve mental health in children with gender distress and that the finding might be weaponized by opponents of the care     (archive.is)
submitted by PeBeFri to news 7 hours ago (+21/-0)
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US credit score is a kiked hoax     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 8 hours ago (+20/-1)
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Family Judge Pushes Vaxx, Kid Gets 18 Shots in Single Day, Immediately Develops Autism     (www.zerohedge.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to DeathVax19 8 hours ago (+22/-0)
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The appalling fact pattern, per The Defender and reportedly verified through documentation:

· Man moves to Tennessee to pursue American dream

· Wife initiates divorce proceedings

· Judge coaxes mother into vaxxing previously unvaxxed kids using custody as leverage

· Wife agrees to vaxx kids on advice of counsel

· Previously healthy five-year-old gets injected 18 times in single day, goes to ICU, immediately develops autism
Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces That's not good.     (futurism.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to technology 9 hours ago (+24/-0)
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A Boeing satellite belonging to multinational service provider Intelsat mysteriously blew into pieces in geostationary orbit over the weekend.

According to an official update, an "anomaly" caused the satellite — dubbed IS-33e — to be destroyed, resulting in what the company calls a "total loss."
Good news everyone, Trumpman1488 is out of surgery.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to Faggots 5 hours ago (+12/-1)
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You drive to go drinking, I drink to go driving. WE ARE NOT THE SAME.     (tellupgoat_based_edition)
submitted by velocityraptor to tellupgoat_based_edition 3 hours ago (+8/-1)
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Stop comparing yourselves to me faggots
Did they tattoo those numbers on their own arms?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Puller_of_Noses to AskUpgoat 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
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A) What's the point in tracking them if you're going to "gas and incinerate" them?
B) They are, by their own words and deeds, masters of deception. (see Mossad motto)
C) A number tattoo was a free pass to enter many foreign nations under "persecution" status.
D) All the numbers are in the same range of a "scary" 5 or 6 digits.
E) They all look like they were done by the same traveling rabbi at synagogues in eastern Europe with a cheap buzz needle and a pocketful of ink.

They probably put those tattoos on themselves to promote their victim narrative.
Shitty tattoo     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WTF 3 hours ago (+8/-1)
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Hamster beats     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by shitface9000 to AnimalsBeingBros 7 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Apparently it is a racist right wing Russian misinformation campaign to not want to eat seed oils and refined carbohydrates      (NutziHiveKickers)
submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 5 hours ago (+8/-0)
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Looked it up and (((Wikipedia))) has a whole web page dedicated to defending goy slop lmao

The jews have made themselves really obvious this time
We had almost 200 lurkers last night and almost as many logged in.     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 9 hours ago (+15/-2)
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Scrubbed from the net - Gates talking about depopulation and vaccines SAVE THIS VIDEO     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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I found Peckerwood's location. It's Perryville of course.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 12 hours ago (+25/-1)
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paul_neri loses his patience at the quick lube because he doesn't want to miss an episode of Dancing with the Stars     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to videos 9 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Nigger having fun at the Oktoberfest but nobody laughs with him     (x.com)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to videos 14 hours ago (+31/-0)
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[OC] player UI is coming together. original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by the_old_ones to gaming 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
Found a company that makes affordable hardwood bed frames made in USA that last a lifetime. High quality. No sales tax. Good price.     (kdframes.com)
submitted by Kozel to TellUpgoat 55 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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Stumbled upon these on Amazon, found if you buy from their website there is no sales tax. Looked them up and there's posts on /r/buyitforlife about it. So I went ahead and bought a Lexington King and moved my cheap Zinus into the guest room.

Anyway it just arrived today, and its great quality. Putting it together was very easy maybe 30 minutes. And it is a very sturdy bed. It supports 600lbs. I did a bunch of flips and stomach dives on it and it doesn't budge.
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 4 hours ago (+4/-0)
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///Families demand inquiry after nine Indigenous people killed in police interactions///

Fucking losers, good for nothing losers.
Teepee rats are the northern niggers
Landlord puts Trump sign up on redditard's rented yard. LOL     (www.reddit.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to MeanwhileOnReddit 12 hours ago (+19/-1)
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Beetlejuice Chiming In      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VaccineWaters to USPolitics 10 hours ago (+12/-1)
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