Just nigger does nigger things     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Motorweed to Niggers 3 hours ago (+17/-0)
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He relaxed     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to Niggers 7 hours ago (+33/-0)
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Is there any new news on congressman Massie wife's cause of death?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to AskUpgoat 5 hours ago (+24/-0)
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He held a subcommittee meeting days before.
They were hiking on Mt Rainer the day before.

So apparently healthy and unexpected.

Someone answered that she wasn't vaccinated.
It's a little odd the circumstances have not come out.

Apparently Tom was in Washington and away from her when it happened so had to be unexpected.

Not sickness or something.

The one thing I'll notes frredhutchison cancer center is in Seattle and world famous for leukemia so if that was why they were in Seattle... Many patients visit mT Rainer.

She could have died as part of routine exploratory surgery. Happens more than people realize under anesthesia.

If it was a car crash there would be an accident report.

Of course one reason more details might not be being released is because cause of death was possibly criminal or suspected foreign actor and is being investigated. They like to keep the lid on things like that for a while.
Well, It's Not 'Auslander Raus'...     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by BulletStopper to France 5 hours ago (+18/-0)
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...but it's a start.

There's are some indications that the French People (White), have had just about all the diversity and enrichment they are willing to tolerate. Macron's WEF and EU mandated "guests" have outstayed their welcome, and it's way past time they all went home.

The great irony here is that it is NOT the nationalist leaders who are losing their grip on the situation, nor is it the nationalist leaders who are increasingly unpopular in their own nations, but rather, the servants of Clown World.

Macron raus.

"I won't leave."
"Yes, yes you will leave."

"You will leave with your fatma."
"You will put on your djellaba, you'll be able to pray all day."
"You are starting to annoy us."
New York City Pride Celebrations     (x.com)
submitted by Theo to Niggers 2 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Badge Nigger Drives Right by a Spic Carrying a Female Spic.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by King_Leopold_II to videos 7 hours ago (+24/-0)
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A I would’ve done the same, nothing of value was lost.

B it probably raped that bitch given the amount of time that passed.
This Guy Has A Case Of The Mondays     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by VaccineWaters to USPolitics 9 hours ago (+34/-0)
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American does full day of medical tests in turkey for...well watch and see how little. Our medical system is a complete scam.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 51 minutes ago (+6/-0)
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Pajeet tries to hoist up the Pajeet flag in London and falls to his death      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to WatchPeopleDie 12 hours ago (+45/-1)
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Despite Being Only 13% of The Wildlife Population, Kangaroos Account For More Than 60% of All Violence Against Dogs.     (iteroni.com)
submitted by King_Leopold_II to videos 9 hours ago (+27/-1)
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submitted by Trumpman1488 to Niggers 44 minutes ago (+5/-0)
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'Critical' vulnerability in OpenSSH uncovered, affects almost all Linux systems      (www.computing.co.uk)
submitted by Dingo to Linux 3 hours ago (+9/-0)
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More info here: https://redlib.catsarch.com/r/linux/comments/1dsvgli/critical_vulnerability_in_openssh_uncovered/

============Below is a comment with other links=============

Debian system on stable seem like they're not affected. I checked my open SSH version using sudo apt show openssh-server and looks like I'm running:

Package: openssh-server Version: 1:7.9p1-10+deb10u4

And the article listed states that this version isn't affected.

My Ubuntu machine is on version Version: 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.7 and looks like this version IS affected by this bug. I'm on the jammy release and they have released a new version that fixes this problem, so just a quick update should fix the issue.


Ubuntu: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-6387
RedHat: https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-6387
CVE: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-6387
Wrapping up pride month in the big city. A lot to be proud of here.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 3 hours ago (+7/-0)
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John Deere announces mass layoffs in Midwest amid production shift to Mexico     (www.foxbusiness.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 3 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Supreme Court rules presidents have absolute immunity for official acts and not for unofficial acts and how to draw that line.     (youtu.be)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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He introduced me to the banjo.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteBeauty 7 hours ago (+14/-0)
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MSDNC indirectly admits Biden's 87% Bolshevik-Jew Admin. treat him like a puppet - Mika Brzezinski: "Biden does not need to go his staff does."     (www.breitbart.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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17 year old collapses on badminton court, dies suddenly from cardiac arrest     (archive.is)
submitted by Stonkmar to Covidicences 3 hours ago (+6/-0)
submitted by Trumpman1488 to Niggers 32 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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Pedophile Month is Now Over     (whatever)
submitted by NuckFiggers to whatever 13 hours ago (+34/-1)
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and White History Month has just begun
Getting Stuck In Traffic In Da Hood.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Master_Foo to Niggers 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Screenshots: Ex-WH Photographer Spills Secrets on How Biden Aides Mask His Decline     (redstatenation.com)
submitted by ProudAmerican to news 7 hours ago (+10/-2)
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Former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West had better stay away from hotel balconies for a while.

He also worked for Hillary...

Pure sabotage on Joe. They deliberately didn't get his cocktail right. A way to force him out. However Jill holds the cards and if she says no, he ain't going anywhere. She knows all the secrets too. She is monster enough to out them all...
Nice white people leave out snacks and drinks for delivery drivers - guess who decides to take it all…     (x.com)
submitted by SumerBreeze to WhitePeopleThings 15 hours ago (+40/-0)
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I haven't been as active here lately and one of my children missed me đź’”     (www.upgoat.net)
submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 7 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Been traveling for pleasure this past week. Learned a ton about race and racial conflict through my visit of some important historical sites. Had no idea the plains Indians were literal cannibals which somewhat explains @rotteuxx behavior

I'll make a post about it at a later date
First arrest made in India under new criminal laws     (www.rt.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 6 hours ago (+7/-0)
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A street vendor has been arrested in the Indian capital for “obstructing a footbridge” at a railway station under the country’s new criminal code, which came into force on Monday.

Pankaj Kumar was selling tobacco and water on a cart near the main road when police asked him to move his cart. He ignored their requests, Indian media reported. The case was registered under Section 285 of the newly implemented penal code.

Notably, the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (Indian Penal Code) defines “terrorism” and makes it punishable with the death penalty or life imprisonment without parole.

The new statutes will prioritize punishing crimes against women and children, Indian Union Minister Amit Shah asserted on Monday. “Gang rape will attract 20-year imprisonment or life imprisonment, and rape of a minor will attract the death penalty. A separate crime has been defined for sexual exploitation by hiding one’s identity or making false promises,” he said.

GOOD, death penalty for pedos and rapists