Former Australian PM John Howard Finally Reacts to the 2004 Admission from the US That There Were no Weapons of mass Destruction in Iraq - That the war against Saddam Hussein that Howard committed troops to was based on falsehood .. he brushed it off saying "intelligence is always "hit and miss!""
( politics has been a plaything of Jews at least since the days of PM Bob Hawke who was a "true blue" Jew tool and nothing more, Jews were the ones who fixed him up with a Rhodes Scholarship and guaranteed his political career, while he remained in the thrall of arch Zionist Sir Peter Abeles, who was on the authority of former Brit PM Tony Blair, simultaneously the Mr Big in Australian organized crime. Link.As well Hawke was the great champion of abortion genocide .. have a look around you all you will see are chinks, wogs, niggers and cannibals, they didn't come here to be Australians they came here to feather their own nests .. it wasn't always so, first they slaughtered indigenous Australians in Zionist sponsored abortion clinics, then brought immigrants in whose allegiance is not to the host nation but to the foreign culture whence they came, to make up the numbers.Not withstanding
Jewish terrorists have the run of Brisbane, the most damning piece of Australiana is the way incumbent PM John Howard & former PM Tony Abbott were ousted from Parliament 2007 & 2019.
Howard was allegedly outvoted in 2007 by former ABC News Reporter
Maxine McKew who was herself ousted from Parliament in 2010, by her 44,685 votes to his 42,251 votes.
Abbott whose 61% majority fell to 37% was replaced by Jewish independent Zali Steggall.
We will say the assertion the electors replaced Howard with a second rate journalist from a Zio friendly news op goes against the political "flow of play," that the whole thing was choreographed by Jews, while Abbott's fall from grace had the same Jewish overtones, as did the way elected PM Gough Whitlam was replaced by B'nai B'rith member Malcolm Fraser in 1975.Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser - A Beacon of Light for the Jewish Community.
Twice PM Kevin Rudd was that far up Jewish arse in the person of Australian soccer supremo Frank Lowy, remaining totally in contempt of evidence he was with fellow Zioterrorist Larry Silverstein, among the
principle conspirators who brought the 911 attacks into being .. Rudd didn't even blink when presented with the
facts. The ones who have come in since this lot are no better, hang 'em all for granting safe haven to the Jew 911 terrorists, in blatant violation of the capital precepts of
US Law.