A guy on X.com is offering nigs 10k to surrender their citizenship and return to africa.      (x.com)
submitted by ProudRebel to Remigration 9 hours ago (+40/-0)
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Bitch keeps bumping into the guy in front of her. He's not having it.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 1 hour ago (+10/-1)
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Someone went to the home of Nick Fuentes and tried to kill him. This is the power of jewish propaganda.      (x.com)
submitted by canbot to whatever 4 hours ago (+13/-0)
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jUFO     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 2 hours ago (+9/-0)
These historical reenactments are getting crazy     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans 5 hours ago (+15/-0)
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Garanteed to work     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 5 hours ago (+14/-0)
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1970's Christians told the truth about Jews - It didn't become taboo until Jews slowly tightened their grip upon Network Media, and used it to create and influence ((( Popular Culture ))).     (cdn.videy.co)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to whatever 8 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Is this Ross?     (gab.com)
submitted by 2Drunk to whatever 3 hours ago (+8/-1)
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submitted by con77 to QuotesToWakeWhites 6 hours ago (+12/-0)
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instead we'll drown in a sea of shit

no one has the will to do what is necessary

you let them convince you that racism is a bad thing

when they are the worst racists of all
The wagie's temptation     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to wagies 4 hours ago (+8/-0)
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This was originally posted on Voat.      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trope to KhazarMilkers 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
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I honestly thought she was cute. But oh well.
Subscribe to pewdiepie     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Spaceman84 to funny 10 hours ago (+20/-2)
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Scientists say sprinkling diamond dust into the sky could offset almost all of climate change so far — but it'll cost $175 trillion     (www.livescience.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to TheJewishProblem 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Intoducing Mrs @big_fat_dangus and her sister. The sister is single so get in line guys.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to FatPeopleHate 7 hours ago (+11/-1)
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its time to dust off an old friend...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by the_old_ones to Military 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Looks like they are going to lean into the 'unfit to stand trial' angle     (www.dailymail.co.uk)
submitted by Glowbright to whatever 10 hours ago (+18/-0)
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This was intentionally pushed out by a WH aid to the WSJ which is a respected but allied news outlet. Clearly they are setting the stage.

I know the founding fathers made 'Treason' nearly impossible to charge someone with because of past abuses by the crown, but damn... these people betrayed our country. Most of us knew this all along but now that they are hanging it out there publicly we should go for the throat. These people need to suffer the harshest consequences in order to ensure it never happens again.
stronk!     (youtube.com)
submitted by con77 to WhitePeopleThings 7 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Ben Franklin knew     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 17 hours ago (+54/-1)
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Having pets is kinda gay. If animal's primary function is petting/companion animal its kinda gay.     (AnonWhatever)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 1 hour ago (+5/-2)
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Or at least kinda lady-boy and not care. That dog you kissed is a boy and so are you and that tongue all licking on you, get a room, oh look at your leg taking the red rocket. Yes straight to the Notel Motel you two male interspecies fags.
When Guidos Get Tickets to the Trans Siberian Orchestra     (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to Memes 8 hours ago (+12/-1)
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In Ukraine, long guns become desperate defenses against small drones     (www.defensenews.com)
submitted by the_old_ones to Military 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Russian Telegram channels recently published footage showing Russian soldiers making DIY anti-drone ammunition by using the pellets taken from buckshot rounds and repurposing them to be used in normal 5.45x39mm rounds used in assault rifles.
AI is IP theft on a massive scale     (whatever)
submitted by hylo to whatever 9 hours ago (+13/-0)
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TLDR: a lot of people are getting fucked by AI and a lot of money is being made from it and will all bear the negative consequences

Random shower thought as I go through this life from one day to the next. If AI has been trained on work created by people, then it owes it to those people that it exists in the first place. I don't think most authors who wrote articles did it so that someone can take their work out of the place where they published it, strip their name and create derivatives without any kind of compensation given to them.

These fucking clowns in the court system are sure acting like this is some big conundrum that needs to be thought over (I think they're just milking court fees). If this is allowed then I should be allowed to record a video in a cinema and open up my own at $1/ticket. Or dub a song and play it on my own radio station.

But since they made a lot of money selling their shit they can hire an army of lawyers to muddy up the waters while they make shitloads of money.

I read lines from some articles like "it's up to the courts to decide if it's theft". It's as if the courts decide what reality is, which is why I hate judges (more like despots) for the most part.

Another one: "there was no proof of damages". Well then, I should be able to pirate anything because the kikes at the MPAA can't prove any damages either. How many copies would they have sold if I didn't download or share that movie? They can't possibly know that or make that shit up in any logical sense, yet people get fined for it, per copy. It's sheer utter kikery. I agree with them that I used their work in a way they did not intend, but going after fictional profits is bullshit. Yet, there it is, enforced like that, so why isn't this being enforced for websites? Kikery, like I said.

It sucked to be a writer in the past and now there is no fucking point anymore. The chinks steal every fucking thing they get their hands on and obliterated domestic industry, likewise AI will destroy any motivation to write anything, original or otherwise.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I can't help but notice the bullshit. I mainly get pissed off now at how my search results are a filtered, pre-approved interpretation safe for my obedient citizen eyes, instead of actual content written by people. It's the last gasp of the free internet as these greedy assholes have found a way to remove the content providers out of the equation. But it's not permanent as AI can't create original work. I think a dark age of information is coming as there will be an author shortage in the next decades. These AIs can't exist without people making things for them to steal.
My fren David     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
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Flat Earther admits he was wrong after traveling 9,000 miles to Antarctica to test his belief     (www.themirror.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to SpaceIsRealAndTotallyHetro 10 hours ago (+15/-2)
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FBI warns @HeyJames to keep his text messages secure     (www.npr.org)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to technology 1 hour ago (+2/-0)