Ask yourself, can I be (((racist))) toward a horse? A kangaroo? Why do we cull carp from the rivers for the environment, but not niggers despite niggers causing magnitudes more damage to the environment? If you believe niggers are people, you are either completely terminally retarded, a kike, a nigger, or a race traitor.
Renowned for her investigative skill, Grus questioned the integrity of inquiries into infant deaths during the >COVID-19 vaccine rollout, only to be put on trial for challenging the 'safe and effective
Grus, a diligent detective renowned for her investigative prowess, was serving in the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit when she was charged with discreditable conduct for accessing police records in what was coined an “unauthorized” investigation into suspicious infant deaths following the 2021 COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
Her probe ultimately leaned on a bombshell piece of evidence: Pfizer’s own trial data revealing a staggering 97% infant fatality rate — yet instead of heeding her concerns, the system slammed her for daring to ask questions.
I feel it somewhat necessary to apply a measure of corrective penance for the manner in which a recent post was interpreted out of context by one of VOAT's stellar contributors, whom, by all indications, is a woman.
I realize being a woman in a man's world is not without complications as the constant burden of inferiority weighs heavily on the female mind...but I empathize with them and it bothers me to see good women complicate their lives with self inflicted pain due to irrational notions of suspicion that emanates from a simple misunderstanding or gendered inability to comprehend the superior thought process of their male counterparts.
Without lack of deference..."NO HARD FEELINGS POSTWALLHELENA"...regardless of your emotionally overboard belligerence you're still one of us and you can count on any one of us here to assist in your time of hurt...I'm sure anus_expander would be 3rd to step up right behind me.
This is foolish behavior that is fully enabling women to pull socially inappropriate moves that they never otherwise could.
Also beware of women with their own apartment or house. It's always used as a home base for prostitution or otherwise a sex den for things like straight up cheating on their boyfriend.
Idk why, but in the past month I have ran into scandal after scandal after scandal. This shit where you guys are inviting women into your place is not you being a hero and providing for a woman. She's just using that to get away with something, especially if it happens quickly (which you should be able to figure out without any help or someone telling you).
This one girl, who is almost 40, was playing 3 different guys off each other and living with 2 of them. If your girl is out of your sight then that's where the cheating is happening, especially for long periods of time. This is so obvious and how anyone didn't figure this out as a child is impossible for me to understand because I always knew this. She then got pregnant by Guy B, who she wanted the kid from, and then had Guy C as backup BECAUSE SHE KNEW THE ONE GUY WAS GOING TO LEAVE HER!! she knew Guy B for a grand total of 2 weeks... And he was just visiting. I hear she's now begging each guy for money. She really is broke on her own, but her family is rich as fuck, but she doesn't want to live with them plus her family will shame her if she can't pin the pregnancy on Guy A or C, which she doesn't think she can pull off.
Then there was a girl I knew who left a relationship with a man who, near as I could tell, was perfect for her. She was too shy to communicate with most people, he made her smile even with that depressed look on her face (she definitely has clinical depression), they clearly had strong feelings for each other. And she went missing for 3 days, was messaging people online who she thought no one her boyfriend knew would know, then showed up at 4am with her whore friend drunk at his place. I mean... This girl lost a guy who absolutely complemented her personality and accepted her depression... That's fucking incredible. I had depression a long time ago and I suffered through it with not a helping hand from anyone... No woman ever helped a man through depression, especially if they found a man who was depressed before they dated.... I mean, that girl is fucked for life.... It's going to take years to get out of that mental state and by the time she's there she will have years added to her life... My god. Wtf are we even doing on this earth? Maybe some can't understand but depression is serious. I've seen people's lives atrophy into nothing compared to what they were before and never make a comeback. To give a specific example, I personally knew a girl who had been depressed since she was 18, I met her at 26 and she's 31 now. He depression is so severe that she barely leaves the house and her parents pay for everything. She does the thing where she'll be in an important conversation and just drift off and I can see she's hoping to just appear somewhere happy and escape her deeply saddened state... The other girl is like that too, except she will almost never even speak... She is in for a really sad existence and she really is to blame from this moment on.
Personally I think the girl in the last paragraph should be given the electric chair for throwing herself onto society as a bigger burden. That is bullshit for everyone else to have to console her or pay for her depression meds or whatever else. I'm serious though. I think she should be put to death for this. Too many people are doing stupid shit and getting away with it and this is a big one that will cause tons of damage over time that no one will account for.
A federal law granting broad immunity to vaccine administrators and others does not preempt charges that a mother’s constitutional rights were violated when her son was given a COVID-19 vaccine without her consent, the North Carolina Supreme Court has ruled.