NIGGER POTUS was using ((( USAID ))) money to fund the training of violent leftist "protestors", INSTEAD of sending it to programs overseas. - AKA funding domestic terrorism.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to whatever 4 hours ago (+21/-0)
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And there it is. Lefty fed posting does exist.     (goatmatrix.net)
submitted by x0x7 to LeftistMinds 5 hours ago (+16/-0)
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Plants don't like rap music     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by shitface9000 to Nature 48 minutes ago (+7/-0)
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CIA Hippie Mind Control: Inside Laurel Canyon with Dave McGowan     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by VaccineWaters to conspiracy 4 hours ago (+14/-0)
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St. Michael     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to LeftistMinds 11 hours ago (+36/-1)
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Liberals doxing eating their own     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 14 hours ago (+59/-2)
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Hero cat     (m3.gab.com)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
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NSFW (Graphic) - Niggers STILL risk stealing in 100% Nigger controlled Haiti knowing that this could be their punishment. {WARNING - GORE - nigger on fire}:     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 5 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Daily Stormer and Gamer Uprising forum are down     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Spaceman84 to TellUpgoat 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
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Gonna message Anglin and find out what’s up. Probably deplatformed by India because he’s been calling for Total Poojeet Death of late.
Water is a scam     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 3 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Disney waiting     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 11 hours ago (+25/-1)
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let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food. - hippocrates     (classics.mit.edu)
submitted by drstrangergov to whatever 32 minutes ago (+3/-0)
Rapist runs for President Ireland      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 4 hours ago (+9/-6)
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An anti-Trump FBI agent was just arrested at JFK before he could flee the country…     (whatever)
submitted by Flanders to whatever 11 hours ago (+24/-1)
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"It never fails—whatever these left-wing loons accuse Trump of, they end up doing themselves. And here’s a perfect example of that: Johnathan Buma, a weaponized FBI agent who was a tried and true member of the Russia Hoax fan club, accused the Trump administration of “political bias” and floated the idea that Rudy Giuliani was compromised by Russian agents. Classic projection.

But now, after all is said and done, Buma’s the one in handcuffs.

According to officials, this disgraced agent is accused of illegally leaking confidential information, all in an effort to write his big tell-all book. He even posted excerpts online, including sensitive info about FBI investigations into foreign weapons of mass destruction programs.
According to the criminal complaint filed Tuesday, Johnathan Buma was charged with illegally disclosing confidential documents.

Buma, a 15-year FBI veteran and counterintelligence specialist who criticized the first Trump administration’s handling of classified information, allegedly printed out nearly 130 files from internal FBI networks in October 2023.

At least eight of the files Buma allegedly printed out contained “sensitive information reports relating to a foreign adversary,” and some files contained information that confidential human sources provided to the FBI, which “were clearly marked with protected warnings that made clear that the information was to be protected,” said the complaint.

Buma allegedly also printed out screenshots of messages he exchanged with a confidential source via an encrypted messaging application — images containing information the complaint noted somehow ended up in a news article later that year." [Continues with more info]:

Canada PM mark carney sent his daughter to the tavistock clinic to chop her tits off     (gab.com)
submitted by SumerBreeze to ClownWorld 11 hours ago (+22/-2)
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a jewish journalist tells the truth about israel and zionism.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by drstrangergov to whatever 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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*the truth as far as i can tell
Trump Orders SHUTDOWN of Education Department     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by DanielR to whatever 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
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I guess is really was 6 million      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to TIL 16 hours ago (+44/-1)
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free bird     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by mikenigger to whatever 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
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Pan fried lamb chops rubbed with fresh garlic and rosemary. Side of sautéed spinach     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to CookingWithGoats 14 hours ago (+29/-1)
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Mossad on the scene of TWA 800 shootdown     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PattonsLostLunch to whatever 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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You must welcome gay people – UN to Hungary      (www.rt.com)
submitted by boekanier to Newsofthestupid 9 hours ago (+10/-0)
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Working Together     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trope to ShitpostLitterBox 14 hours ago (+25/-1)
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It's amazing what happened to Korean cars quality     (cars)
submitted by Conspirologist to cars 3 hours ago (+4/-2)
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In the beginning, Korean cars were ugly junk. Now their cars are reliable and well designed like European and Japanese. My Hyundai has almost 100.000 Km and it's still like new. Nothing bad ever happened.

The Chinese are not like Koreans. New Chinese cars have good design now, but unlike Koreans, they are using Japanese engines and other parts to be reliable.

If you are poor, you can easily buy Chinese cars now, but they are still made from Japanese parts.

But Koreans managed to achieve real European and Japanese quality. When I was choosing between European and Japanese as usual, they were all with the absurd 3 cylinder junk engines. The only car with a normal 4 cylinder engine I was able to find was a Korean Hyndai.
Sunday Matinee [14:00 EST]     (MoviesWithGoats)
submitted by SundayMatinee to MoviesWithGoats 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
Today's Shows:

When the king of Northumbria is killed by vikings, his cousin takes the throne, but the dead king's wife is pregnant with a viking lord's child and she is sent away to protect the child, years later, the grown man returns to claim the kingdom in "The Vikings"; then a shipwrecked Norseman tells a Moorish king of a mystical bell, it sparks a conflict between them as the Moors seek the artifact in "The Long Ships".

Coming Soon:

The illegitimate son of a noble, Pierre Bezukhov, is introduced to the Russian court, becoming embroiled in the affairs of "high" society, but the relative peace of the court doesn't last as the French Empire invades and Pierre is called to war in the 1966 Mosfilm adaptation of, "War and Peace".

Channel Link For The Lazy: https://cytu.be/r/MovieGoats

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