So it's pretty obvious that women are turning to whoring in droves and it's pretty obvious to us why. The jew media tells women to go out and whore. But that wasn't the only factor. You see,if you go back in time a little ways,say around the 70s and 80s,you'll notice a different tune.
See,back in the day,they came up with the movies that told men they should be whoremongers. That sex was the ultimate goal of any relationship. And that they should seek to bed as many women as possible to prove their masculinity. It was in comedies,dramas,action movies,even "romance" movies. You name it,it had that common theme that manly men bedded lots of women. It's so ingrained into society at this point,the term "incel" is a common insult. To be a whoremongering pervert is largely seen as "normal" for men. And that's an idea feminism has exploited for a long time.
And that starts a cycle. Women being whores is going to make some men into whoremongers. Men being whoremongers is going to make some women into whores. Round and round it goes. And all this flew under the radar because it appealed to our base desires and not to a stable home and family.
Often times,while admonishing women for being whores,men will say "it's different for men". And women will demand to know why it's ok for men to be mound hounds but women must be virginal. And to that I say,it's not different. At all. It's just as wrong to be a whoremonger as it is to be a whore. Because they're both making the same mistake. Exchanging long term needs for short term pleasures. Neither is seriously looking for someone to marry and start a family with. They're just looking for a good time.
It's to the point people don't even remember the whole point of marriage is to form a family and raise kids. Without that,it's just a pact between 2 losers to cope with the fact they're genetic dead ends. It's as empty as their nest.
The "pick up artist" bullshit is just whoring for men. It's all to turn us into whores and whoremongers to keep us from being happy together. Always remember the jew seeks to control both sides of any conflict. Armed or not. And you can bet the Tates aren't going to jail for sex trafficking because they're down with the tribe.
I worked 9 hours, drove home and something felt off. Get home and immediately took a big shit, then noticed my portable air compressor was not working. So I drove to the closest gas station and it was out of order and must have been for quite some time. Someone wrote "do not redeem" on the out of order sign.
So I go to the next closest one, jack up my car, and removed the tire. Yep right there was a big ass nail. Pull that shit right out and plugged the tire right there. Came back and my ice in my drink wasn't completely melted.
TLDR: Took a big shit and patch my tire in under 1 hour.
...when I state that men should start "dragging women by the hair again" (and they will love you for it)...I FUCKING WELL MEAN IT.
But I'm not advocating violence against {a good woman}, society's problem is rooted in the corruption of the female mind. This corruption is borne of the ✡️...they need to be dragged too, but not by the hair. Note...ensure that there's at least a half tank of gas/diesel when initiating a vehicular pulling of rope.
While it isn't a Rolex or an Omega, it is still a good watch and at $789 with tax, I'm getting a lot of bang for my buck. Now I have figure out a way to pay this thing off in a month before I get charged interest.