Have a look at the photo he posted (
), and note how low to the ground the office chair in the top right is. He keeps calling everyone 5'4" manlets, right?
Pure projection, now confirmed.
1:54 pm Climhazzard multiplayerpiano.com aand multiplayer-orchestra.com (play as gues here)
1:54 pm Climhazzard guess
1:55 pm JohnGaltsPetRoosterguest
1:55 pm Climhazzard yep
1:56 pm Climhazzard THX-1388
2:00 pm big_fat_dangus get you one of these if you really want to have fun
2:04 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster ahahahahahaha! there's the abused budget office chair I knew he had. zogbot spy device, and fake drums so he doesn't disturb the nieghbouring apartments
2:05 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster hahahahahahahahahahahaha
2:05 pm big_fat_danguscry harder bald cuck 😏
2:05 pm JohnGaltsPetRoosterhow many shitty tattoos do you have, dangus?
2:06 pm big_fat_dangus I'll bet you can't play even a single instrument bald cuck
2:06 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
2:06 pm Gowithitwhat's that on the floor? a Roomba?
2:07 pm Gowithitalso nice drum set
2:07 pm big_fat_dangus yeah
2:07 pm GowithitI cant have an Alexa but you can have a Roomba?
2:07 pm big_fat_dangusthanks! it plays fuckin great
2:07 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster i play the chromatic harmonica. pretty well, people say
2:07 pm big_fat_dangusLOL sure you do bald cuck
2:07 pm big_fat_dangus (it's actually a kazoo)
2:08 pm JohnGaltsPetRoosterdangus proved he can take photos. now let's see him prove he's
2:08 pm big_fat_dangus on that set each rim is another trigger, so you can rig up a set with
a stack, bell, china, w/e you like
2:08 pm big_fat_dangus it's fuckin sick
2:08 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster Spoiler: he's obese and ashamed
2:09 pm big_fat_dangus cry more bald cuck
2:09 pm big_fat_dangus show us your pathetic ghetto gym again
2:09 pm Gowithit you can really tell the difference huh between a cheap cymbal and one of those
2:10 pm big_fat_danguswhen you have a 200+ kit sound library you're not dealing with cheap sound
2:11 pm JohnGaltsPetRoosterit's in really good shape, brand new like. I bet dangletard gets winded after five minutes of uncoordinated flailing, and gives up to drink moe off-brand "cider"
2:11 pm big_fat_dangus bald cuck fantasizing about men again
2:11 pm big_fat_dangus GAY
2:11 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster sure, faggot. Prove you're White, now.
2:11 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster i bet you can't
2:12 pm big_fat_danguskek I don't take orders from you, faggot. suck my dick
2:12 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
nigger talking intensifies when threatened2:13 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster prove you are White
2:13 pm big_fat_dangusprove you're above six feet
2:14 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster I'm not. I'm 5'10"
2:14 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster And White
2:14 pm big_fat_dangus manlet alert
2:14 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
2:14 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster now your turn, fat nigger jew
2:14 pm dirtywhiteboy Im the only one here whos actually proven im a white aryan chad with blue eyes
2:14 pm dirtywhiteboy O/
2:14 pm big_fat_dangus I don't play simon says with manlet bald faggots, sorry bald cuck
2:15 pm dirtywhiteboy Nigger fucking seething incoming from racemixing kike
2:15 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster actually. look at that photo dangus posted. you see how low the chair is, and how high the drummer stool?
2:15 pm big_fat_dangusone picture of my drum set was all it took to send him into a seething insecure manlet rage kek
2:15 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster the chair is low so hi feet can rest on the ground, and the stool high so he can reach the cymbals
2:16 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster danglet confirmed
2:16 pm big_fat_dangus KEK tell us youve never played drums w/o telling us, bald cuck
2:16 pm big_fat_dangus a tall drummer needs the stool higher to get the right angle for double bass
2:16 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster no wonder he's always terrified to post anything.
2:16 pm big_fat_danguswhat a dumb manlet
2:17 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster he knows what a liar he is
2:17 pm big_fat_dangus seething bald manlet
2:17 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster tell us more about how you're 6'4", buddy
2:17 pm big_fat_dangus tell us more about your bib and sippy cup bald cuck
2:17 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster do you wear little wooden blocks on your feet to reach the pedals?
2:18 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster fucking wrecked himself, yet again.
2:18 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster bwahahahahahahaha
2:18 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster \o
2:18 pm dirtywhiteboy Im like really tall, believe me! - nigpig with a small jew hat
2:18 pm dirtywhiteboy O/ (fucks niggers tho)
2:18 pm dirtywhiteboy What a fucking kike this clown is
2:18 pm big_fat_dangus in his trick or treat costume photo you can tell he's like 5'4
2:19 pm big_fat_dangus bald cuck the manlet pauper
2:22 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
2:22 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster so pauper
2:22 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster so manlet
2:22 pm dirtywhiteboy Total racemixer death now O/
2:23 pm big_fat_dangus awww, did you collect those from cereal boxes bald cuck?
2:23 pm big_fat_dangus imagine being so insecure you have to post some pathetic shit like that lol
2:25 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
brokie niggerjew seething intensifies2:31 pm big_fat_dangus idk there lil fella from what I've seen my effects are clean and pristine, yours are slovenly and busted. show us that pathetic gym again, just for laughs
2:35 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster
look how low that chair is to the ground, folks. "little fella", indeed.
2:35 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster photo is worth a thousand "I'm 6'4" hurr durrr", eh danglet?
2:36 pm JohnGaltsPetRooster \o