I guess the war in Ukraine is all but over, the jews are openly calling for demographic enhancement.
(thenationalpulse.com)https://thenationalpulse.com/2025/03/15/kassam-vindicated-as-corporates-call-for-eight-million-migrants-to-replace-dead-ukrainians/All-Ukrainian Association of Companies for International Employment chief Vasily Voskoboinik appeared on state television in February to push for mass migration, saying, “According to estimates by the International Organization for Migration”—a United Nations agency that preaches about immigration being “inevitable, desirable, and necessary”—” and the International Labour Organization, we will need 8.2 million workers.”
“We have a demographic catastrophe. Either we encourage our women to have more children, which would take 18–20 years to reflect in the labor market, or we must realistically seek labor migration from other countries,” Voskoboinik. He seeks to source the migrants from non-Western states and regions such as Bangladesh, Nepal, India, North Africa, and Central Asia—despite various studies showing that non-Western migrants are a massive net drain on the public finances in other European countries.