COTD coming in early     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Gowithit to CommentOfTheDay 58 minutes ago (+8/-0)
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Marx's greatest contribution to mankind!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by lord_nougat to History 9 hours ago (+30/-0)
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You are a living compilation of all who came before you      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 8 hours ago (+23/-0)
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This should be the last straw for Canada.      (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 5 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Kanye shows off his new bling     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to whatever 50 minutes ago (+5/-0)
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would wear o/
Based Ireland     (x.com)
submitted by RedBarchetta to whatever 10 hours ago (+26/-0)
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When Jews visit Ireland.

“You’re not welcome in Ireland” and she SPITS on him.
Nazis are bad!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Eliack to whatever 14 hours ago (+49/-0)
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Finally had a chance to touch grass     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trope to pics 9 hours ago (+17/-0)
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Walking through the prairies and woods rejuvenated my spirits. It was what was missing.
Most all of the land on earth has an antipode in the water. In only a few places does the land overlap other land.     (miro.medium.com)
submitted by Sleazy to Mildlyinteresting 8 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Tonight hug your family and friends. All the weather centers are predicting a repeat of the 2011 super tornado outbreak.     (en.m.wikipedia.org)
submitted by DarkSkeleton2000 to Weather 11 hours ago (+24/-0)
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The severe weather event being predicted by the weather centers for this weekend is most likely going to be the next big thing in the news. The Weather Channel has issued Tor Con's of 9 for Jackson MS and Birmingham AL. And Tor Con's of 7 for St Louis and Kansas City. 10 is the worst possible level for the Tor Con. 5 is considered bad enough. Baseball sized hail is possible. Just the wind from the severe storms is predicted to be 50 mph to 100 mph and can cause power outages and falling trees and branches. If you are in a mobile home get out now that's the worst place to be during a severe thunderstorm and will not protect you from a tornado.

If you are with out power for an extended period of time and don't have a generator buy ice and load it into a cooler and seal your refrigerated food in plastic zip lock bags and place it into the cooler and make runs to the store for more ice once a day at night so the food doesn't expire and dump the water from the melted ice down your kitchen sink or down your bath tub or shower and put new ice in the cooler until power is restored.
Fuck Trudeau. He's finally gone.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GeorgeBailey to whatever 11 hours ago (+21/-0)
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So many fuck Trudeau flags and bumper stickers but his party is still in power so nothing changes.

I really didn't need to buy a multi pack of highlighters     (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Park it right there      (pomf.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to funny 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Its On@! A proposed bill in Austin will charge transgender people with, “Gender Identity Fraud”.     (x.com)
submitted by bossman131 to TransgenderAgenda 16 hours ago (+45/-0)
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Good WiFi names?     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to AskUpgoat 8 hours ago (+11/-0)
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Got a new router, looking for suggestions…

No Internet Access

Pride group founder raped boy, 12, he met on Grindr     (www.bbc.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 9 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Europe at risk of ‘engaging in civilizational suicide’ — US vice president      (tass.com)
submitted by boekanier to news 3 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Modern women will become outraged at any truth that makes her feel bad. This is typical servant/master psychology.     (Women)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Women 8 hours ago (+10/-0)
A servant will avoid ever causing offence to his master. Should he wish to ever adventure a criticism it will only be couched in the most circumspect terms to avoid causing offence. Should a servant be so bold as to do otherwise, the master will be stunned by the impertinence and become outraged. The parallels between husband/wife, man/woman are obvious: a man will walk on eggshells with a woman, a woman will have no difficulty with criticising him.

This is not a typical 'woman' thing. A woman will not act outraged towards truth and criticism if she submits herself as the servant in any power dynamic, i.e a boss at work can criticise her work, a gay model agent can insult her appearance if she tries to become a model. She won't dare act the outraged harpy in these circumstances. She may only do so if she feels there's some chance to flip the power dynamic (public mob support).

Likewise if a husband criticised his wife in 1700, she wouldn't dare act outraged, for the same reason most children won't today: they will be disciplined as the inferior in the power relationship. And she would rarely have the gall to criticise him, though she might do so sometimes to test the power dynamics, again the same as how children do with their parents today.
"Definition of insanity" quote has been misattributed to Einstein     (whatever)
submitted by Lost_In_The_Thinking to whatever 57 minutes ago (+2/-0)
I'm sure everyone has heard it before: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results." Of course Einstein never said that expression. For some time, it was misattributed to the feminist lesbian writer Rita Mae Brown, but it seems she just borrowed it. The actual origin of the expression, that is, the earliest use of it, is a 1981 version of the book "Narcotics Anonymous". The more you know.


It just irritates the shit out of me when people talk about "Einstein's famous quote". Knowing what I know about Einstein, if he could somehow plagiarize content from the future, he would have.
It should not come as a surprise but today is Friday. Of course, that means only one thing... As sure as gravity, we're going to have the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come share some music you made or had a part in! We're not picky!     (Guitar)
submitted by TheRealBuddha to Guitar 12 hours ago (+18/-0)
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Once again, it's time for the FNGT!

If you don't know how this works, click this link. That link will take you to another site to give you some additional information and tell you about some of our off-site features. That's also the site where we will host the weekly guitar threads, should upgoat go down.

NOTE: That site is by invitation only. If you want an invite, ask a regular participant (such as @Sleazy or myself).

If you already know what's going on, you probably don't need to click any of those links. You can still visit to see if any changes have been made, as that's also where we kept the archives and have a second forum.

By the way, we're down to just two of us. If you want to help, let us know.
Latest message from the contemptible little pipsqueak      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 11 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Muslims, jews, Chinese, Indians, LGBTQ+, anyone but normal White Australians.
Rekt. Gore warning ⚠️      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to TOTALNIGGERDEATH 14 hours ago (+22/-0)
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Former extinction rebellion activist wakes up from hypnosis - "It was never about the climate. It was about controlling you."     (x.com)
submitted by qwop to whatever 16 hours ago (+32/-0)
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Adam Carolla Jews Give Scorn And Contempt For God's Free Gift Of Salvation In Christ Jesus     (rumble.com)
submitted by oppressed to Christianity 7 hours ago (+6/-0)
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The Great Replacement and The Great Reset, are facts which affect all Whites, who are the ONLY Americans.     (whatever)
submitted by Flanders to whatever 13 hours ago (+18/-0)

The Great Replacement and The Great Reset, are facts which affect all Whites, who are the ONLY Americans.

The founding White people of America intended for that to be forever, and to be passed down exclusively to us, and for our exclusive benefit.

It is only recently (since the 1970's) that jew and globalist controls infiltrated into our governmental systems have turned the deviations massively against us.

The article below details certain effects of those manipulations upon the existence of our American people.

"The numbers don’t lie. And we’ve got some new data that should worry every American.

The foreign-born US population has hit an all-time high – which isn’t shocking, since Joe Biden literally flooded this country with foreigners during his installation."

"Leaked audio of DEI activist feeding air traffic control exam answers to minority candidates…"

"The inside information was offered in 2014 to African Americans, females, and other minority candidates, while Whites were excluded to “minimize competition.”
