Used to ride the bus to school. This dyke cunt from the neighborhood was into picking on me. Would sit behind me on the bus and flick my ear, talk shit, etc. this went on for a couple of weeks. I was raised by pussies and was taught not to hit girls, so rather than hit this bitch, I was ridiculed by the other kits for letting this bitch pick on me. Finally I’d had enough and one day while doing her usual taunting, if I remember correctly, it’s been 42 years, she somewhat openhanded slapped the back of my head or some shit. I flew over the seat and pinned her down with both knees and beat her face to a bloody pulp. Of course, I got suspended and reprimanded by my cunt of a mother. Fast forward, I’m proud of that moment. Everyone on the bus was cheering cause they hated that raggedy bitch. I’d do it again in a heartbeat and I have. Not my wife. She’s sweet and doesn’t cause any trouble. But hey, you gonna act like a man, you gonna get beat like one.
not trying to inoculate you, i'm just opinionated:
- they flew across the galaxy but crashed here? lol, okay. - aliens would have reached a technological singularity before interstellar travel but they are sending squishy bodied biologicals? lol. - they seem to be only interested in harassing military targets, hmmmm. lol me dumb.
At best we have a few cases of some darpa projector technology mixed in with an ocean of nut cases.
Yes I know Jewish thought and behavior regardless of their intentions is toxic to a healthy white society. I get it. I just have been fascinated with his love for highg german culture. For younger folks who enjoying memes and shitposting(nothing wrong with that) let me explain a few things as quickly as possible. Before the englightenment, the majority of jews HAD ONE path growing up, to remain isolated in ghettos, study the talmud go a rabbinic school, or work some other miserable job within the the smelly commnuity. Now German offered its people a high standard of living, freedom to express ooneself, frresh food, baths! Jews flocked from their ghettos for a chance of prestige, modern ideas and bathS!
PERSONQLLY i THINBK HE WORKED F0R BISMARCK AND HELPED SABOTAGE WEAKER NATIONS LIKE eNGLAND AND FRANCE. im rambling. Anyone else interested in this shit. Was Marx more of a Germophile than a proponent of the internatinoal,?
This guy cleaned up the drug crime on the streets of Manila so international kikes are prosecuting him for crimes against humanity. Arrest was orchestrated in part by his political rivals, the Marcoses, who are currently in power in Philippines. Yeah, those Marcoses. Banana republic shit. ICC is a joke. Thanks jews.
I was about eight years old, and the family was by the bay to see the 4th of July fireworks display. My mom was pregnant and we were looking for a place to sit.
We spotted a bench, and as we were closing on it a homeless nigger in a dirty dress suit ran toward it with a bike, practically sprinted.
He put his bike on the bench and quickly walked away.
My dad and mom stopped in front of the bench puzzled about how the guy would put his bike on the bench and just walk away. My mother just figured he'd showed up and walked away so fast, that he hadn't seen us approaching.
My dad, annoyed, said it was fine, and moved the bike behind the bench so we could all sit.
About a minute later the homeless asshole returned, visibly annoyed. "I claimed that bench."
My dad and mom stood up, my dad obviously to do what he did best, which on any given day was argue or fight. And my mom stood to do what she always did, which was remind him not to go too far.
Homeless guy says "this is racism. This is my bench. I put my bike on it and was coming back to sit. I want to have some quiet time and be alone."
Naturally dad is starting to lose his shit at this point but trying to keep calm about it. "It's a crowded park buddy, where you gonna be alone? My wife is pregnant and can't walk very far, she can't sit on the ground. Theres plenty of other places for you to sit."
The bum, out of the blue starts screaming. "man fuck you and your pregnant wife bitch! I was here first! I saw it, I put my bike on it! I want to fucking be alone you honky ass cracker motherfucker!"
My dad pauses at this, his face becoming incredibly red, before he raises his voice in a shout. He grabs the entire bike, lifts it over head, and bellows "You want to be alone somewhere else, like under a fucking bridge you fuck!" and chucks the bike overhead some twenty feet or so.
The homeless guy's eyes get wide, and he boogies after his bike while yelling "fuck you! I'm calling duh police" all the way.
Just then an officer patrolling the park on foot came over, having noticed the commotion. He asks what my dad whats going on, and my dad relays the situation about needing a seat, and this guy jogging up to claim it with his bike, before leaving again and then coming back to start shit.
Mr. Bikeperson in his suit comes over having retrieved his homelessmobile and says "I want to press charges. This mothafucka threw my bike through the air."
The officer, hands on hips, swivels his head to my dad. My dad says "yeah I did through his bike."
The officer, without missing a beat, swivels his head again to the other guy, and says "I don't believe that happened." and proceeds to tell him he needs to leave or he'll be arrested.
Man proceeds to curse out and yell at the cop, cop proceeds to warn him, the man escalates, another cop arrives, they end up tackling the bum to the ground and arresting him.
Cop got up off the ground once the cuffs were on, big shit eating grin on his face, like he'd just had the time of his life. My dad thanked him, and the cop, still grinning just said "no problem. You and the wife have a pleasant night."
The moral of the story is some fuckers will see others going about their business, and out of the blue decide to fuck with them for no other reason than to start shit, and sometimes you just gotta be willing to call it like it is. A lot of the videos you see like from chicago, of line jumping, this is that. It's not just because they're impatient, it's to provoke people.
This message brought to you by bike-chuckers united.