I've recently had some lovely and optimistic things happen in my life after a long period of distress and after joining a prayer group at my church. Yet I still find it difficult believing such a seemingly simple act could "work." I understand it as a challenge of faith, and I have been trying a great deal believe, but feel I am failing.
Have you ever experienced an answered prayer, and how did it "feel"? Were you able to completely accept on faith that praying worked?
The most popular conspiratorial allegations include the following: The Mossad was behind the attacks. Variations of this theory assert that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was behind the 9/11 attacks; the "proof" is the "five dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11 who were allegedly celebrating as the Twin Towers burned. Although this theory has circulated since 2001, the initial scenario painted the five Israelis as "spies" who knew that the attacks were going to happen and chose not to inform the U.S government. Over time, the theory evolved and today proponents claim that the five Israelis were actually directing the attacks and began dancing when they realized that their mission of creating a false flag operation had been accomplished.
Jewish neo-conservatives were behind the attacks. Proponents of this theory claim that neo-conservative American officials of Jewish faith within the Bush administration, particularly Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, methodically worked out a plan, with the assistance of the Mossad, to carry out the attacks in order to benefit Israel. This theory alleges that these officials orchestrated a plan well before 9/11, with the goal of invading Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries to allow the U.S. and Israel to seize control of resources and power in that area. The Jewish controlled media and government work to prevent the truth from emerging. The "truth" about Israeli and Jewish involvement in the 9/11 attacks will not be allowed to emerge, claim conspiracy theorists, because Jews were in charge of the 9/11 Commission report and actually control the media and government. ADL.org.