Apparently @system is talking about shutting it down.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 7 hours ago (+64/-2)
98 comments last comment...
Talk of upgoat shutdown original content     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oyveyo to whatever 5 hours ago (+32/-2)
31 comments last comment...
Evolution of pinkos     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to CommunismIsJewish 5 hours ago (+22/-1)
3 comments last comment...
Do you think that’s air you’re breathing?     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Spaceman84 to funny 11 hours ago (+39/-0)
11 comments last comment...
Argentina’s security forces have announced plans to use artificial intelligence to “predict future crimes”     (WorldPolitics)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to WorldPolitics 2 hours ago (+7/-0)
2 comments last comment...

The country’s far-right president Javier Milei this week created the Artificial Intelligence Applied to Security Unit, which the legislation says will use “machine-learning algorithms to analyse historical crime data to predict future crimes”. It is also expected to deploy facial recognition software to identify “wanted persons”, patrol social media, and analyse real-time security camera footage to detect suspicious activities.

While the ministry of security has said the new unit will help to “detect potential threats, identify movements of criminal groups or anticipate disturbances”, the Minority Report-esque resolution has sent alarm bells ringing among human rights organisations.

Trump is a Chabad puppet just like this guy. I wonder if he will be trying to roll out something similar? He also wants to move the US from gold to bitcoin.. maybe he will likewise send whatever remains of America's gold to Israel. https://www.kitco.com/news/article/2024-07-29/argentinas-milei-moves-sovereign-gold-abroad-raising-concerns-about-seizure
Video of New Orleans truck attack.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 9 hours ago (+25/-0)
14 comments last comment...
Did you know that a 6 pk of 20 oz Mountain Dew contains more than a pound of sugar?     (whatever)
submitted by BoozyB to whatever 10 hours ago (+31/-0)
19 comments last comment...
Or HFCS which is even worse.
read what this general has to say     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 5 hours ago (+12/-0)
4 comments last comment...
My time as a homeless teen and as a ward of the state/juvenile justice      (whatever)
submitted by Shitcreek to whatever 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
4 comments last comment...
I've mentioned in several threads about my youth. I'm more then willing to share my experience as a homeless teen and my later experience in group homes and the juvenile justice system as a "chronic runaway and incorrigible youth".
Do you drive where it freezes? Think ahead and avoid being in one of these.      (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Sector2 to whatever 5 hours ago (+10/-0)
7 comments last comment...
what still awaits us     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 5 hours ago (+9/-0)
1 comments last comment...
meanwhile in Texas     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 5 hours ago (+9/-0)
4 comments last comment...

My grandfather's, father, uncles, brother, husband, son served in military.
They didn’t serve this country for it to be over run with trash . I don’t pay taxes to support ILLEGALS !

Hopefully we won’t have to live with a treasonous WH again.
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
1 comments last comment...
Marcus Aurelius was being counseled by senators to not carry through a social restructuring similar to the idea of Caesar Augustus after the defeat and death of Marc Antony, and pretty much everyone seen as a potential threat. Implementing a strict moral code and instilling virtue into the conscience of the people apparently is not a good political move and would cause him to fall out of favor with the citizenry and some senators...hence the concern for his public image and popularity.

It doesn't work like that today. Everything, anything and everyone has been been corrupted by the jew. Money has influence, honest men sell out for the right amount of influence and everyone beneath them and the votary that elected them to serve, get the shaft. Then there's the emotional pandering that appeals to the crowd and gives the impression that their grievances are priority and will be addressed, everyone will be taken care of, a solid policy of "yes to everyone"...and it's all bullshit.


The only honest and honorable ruler of the last 750 years that I can think of who didn't give a fuck about what others thought of him is Vlad Tepes.

The way I see it is....WE'RE FUCKED.
2025 Predictions     (whatever)
submitted by God to whatever 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
1 comments last comment...
The horror comes in reality from the mathematical aspect of the event… no
code of ethics are justifiable a priori in the face of the cruel mathematics that command our condition. Albert Camus

“The future… is every whit as necessary and determined as the past.” Albert Einstein

Russian physicist P.D. Ouspensky in the early 20th century in his epic work Tertium Organum wrote, “Future events are wholly contained in preceding ones, and if we could know the force and direction of all events which have happened up to the present moment, i.e. if we knew all the past, by this we could know all the future.”

“The past and future are existing simultaneously on the lines perpendicular to our plane, and the past is identical with the future because phenomena come from both sides and go in both directions.” Ouspensky

Origen in De Principiis when he wrote, “For the end is always like the beginning.”

A golden inscription discovered in the famous tomb of King Tutankhamen of Egypt reads, “I have seen the past; I know the future.

King Esarhaddon of Assyria in the 7th century BCE left behind a tablet inscription saying, “The future shall be like the past.”

King Jedidiah, better known to history as Solomon who ruled the united kingdom of Israel and Judah wrote: “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.”

In more recent antiquity we find this belief unchanged. In the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas we find Jesus saying, “Have you then deciphered the beginning, that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be an end… blessed is the man who reaches the beginning, he will know the end.”

Augustine of Hippo in City of God wrote, “The things which then were hidden are now sufficiently revealed by the actual events which have followed.”

Firmicus Maternus declare that “The beginning of anything was to be found out by the unfolding of historical events.”

In his Discourses Niccolò Machiavelli made two statements that capture our attention: “If one examines with diligence the past, it is easy to foresee the future.”

Massey’s Lectures from the 1880s were published and in them he made these statements: “The past is a region to explore… it is impossible to understand the present without the profoundest knowledge of the past.”

Hartmann wrote: “If everything has a certain number of vibrations, and if these vibrations increase or diminish at a certain ratio and in regular periods, a knowledge of these numbers will enable us to predict a future event.”

Lewis Mumford summed it up perfectly in his monumental work entitled Technics and Civilization when he wrote, “Time is measured not by the calendar but by the events that occupy it.”

“All certainty which does not consist in mathematical demonstration is nothing more than the highest probability; there is no other historical certainty.” Voltaire

“All nature is a gallery of arcana revealing great truths to those who can decipher them.” Thomas Troward, 1902

It would be a miracle indeed, if all these coincidences were purely accidental. Anyone familiar with the theory of probabilities knows that with every additional coincidence the chances for another grow smaller. Immanuel Velikovsky

The present is both a necessary consequence of the past and the cause of the future. C.W. Dalton, 1985

Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason in 1781 wrote “. . . the appearances of past time determine every existence in succeeding time; and that these existences, as events, cannot take place except insofar as the appearance of past time determine their existence in time, that is, fix it by a rule.”

The past that is already dead remains present in the future that has yet to be born. Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civilization

Rene Descartes wrote, “It were far better to never think of investigating truth at all, than to do so without a method.”

135 AD Jerusalem falls to Rome +919 years to 1054 Roman Church schism
[East Orthodox/West Catholic] supernova Crag Nebula +919 years to 1973 Jerusalem attacked Yom Kippur War
1945 plane hit Empire State bldg. +28 years to 1973 + 28 years to 2001 [9/11]
1792 was 121 before 1913. 121x phi is 195. 1792+195 was 1987.
1801 was 128 years to 1929. 128 x 1.618 is 207 [Phoenix number]. 1801+207 is 2008
1913 +60 years is 1973. 60 divided by phi is 37. 1973 + 37 is 2010.
1857 panic +72 years is 1929 crash +72 years to 2001 [144 divided by pi is
45.8. 2001+ 45 is 2046]
1962 +25 years to 1987. 25 x pi is 78. 1962 + 78 is 2040.

2025 Calendrics

Linear Projections
138 years [1656 months] from 1887 [900,000 died China flooding]
1380 years from 645 Christian assault taking back Alexandria, Egypt from Saracens
2070 years from Rome invades north Africa 46 BC
765 (153 x 5) from 1260 Egypt invaded by Mongols
459 [153x3] from 1566 strange things in sky over Basle
2070 years from 46 BC Year of Confusion/ New Calendar start. Roman Julian
414 years 1611 KJV published [414 years is 4968 months/ 414x12 months]
1518 years from 507 Christian Franks take all of France from Goths
1656 years from 369 Goth-Roman War ends with peace settlement
108 from 1917 US invades Europe/ British take Jerusalem from Turks/ Bolsheviks take Russia/ CFR founded in NY/ 70k people in Portugal see a vision
930 years [138+792] from 1095 AD [Year that kicked off the Crusades] Pope called for a Holy War against Islam
777 years from 1248 [Seventh Crusade against Egyptian controllers of Jerusalem]
77 years after 1948 [Palestine given to Jews and Arab League attacks Jerusalem]1948 Chinese begin mass genocide of political dissidents. WHO began 1948. India becomes independent. NOTE: 1948 is 77 years after 1871
52 from 1973 Yom Kippur War
90 years from 1935 [Great Pyramid/Eye printed on money/Social Security Act began/ Nuremburg Laws condemn the Jews/ Richter Scale for quakes invented
207 [2484 months] from 1818 [First Rothschild loan (Rothschild Archives)
200 years from 1825 (The house of Rothschild rescues the Bank of England. The bubble of speculating mania burst in 1825 causing a run on the reserves of the Bank of England; the bank was sustained by a large payment by the house of Rothschild.
1849 California gold rush, 176 [552/pi] from 2025
Panic of 1857 [168 years before 2025]
1962 flash-crash was in May; demonstrated how quickly market psychology can shift [63 yrs]
1629 is 396 before 2025 Italy/Europe plague
1665 Final Year Black Death in England 360 years to 2025
60 years from 1965 Second Indian-Pakistan War

1971 Isometric Projections
1971 [ISO 1998]
China entered United Nations
Taiwan expelled
US President Richard Nixon ends blockade against People's Republic of China
India invades Pakistan
Nixon took America off the Gold Standard
NASDAQ stock exchange, 2nd largest in world behind NYSE, founded in New York City
After 1,200 years Great Britain abandons pence & shilling system for decimal currency
United Kingdom lifts all restrictions on gold ownership
Egypt, Libya & Syria form federation (FAR)
Egypt refuses to renew the Suez cease fire
Chatrooms make their debut on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet
US President Nixon authorizes arrest of 13,000 anti-war protesters in 3 days
NSA Henry Kissinger secretly visits the People's Republic of China to negotiate a detente between the US and China mass arrests, killings in Ireland/IRA, all year
US President Richard Nixon announces 90-day freeze on wages, prices & rents
Egypt adopts its constitution
The Nepal stock exchange collapses.
Battle of Garibpur: Indian troops aided by the Mukti Bahini, Bengali guerrillas, defeat the army of Pakistan

Other 2025 Isometric Projections
1779 [ISO 1902] Spain enters American Revolutionary War for US
1872 is 153 to 2025, +153 to 2178 [Phoenix]. 522 [Phoenix/Nemesis X] 1503 years [1.5.3.] to 2025. NOTE: 2025 is 5.2.2. reversed.
1944 is 81 years to 2025, +81 years to 2106 [largest naval invasion in history, by US/ European genocide by USSR; Armageddon War]
1785 Illuminati outlawed by Bavaria 120 years to 1905 [Bolsheviks financed revolt but failed, resulting in pogrom] 120 years to 2025
1521 is 252 years to 1773 [British Stock Exchange est/ Boston Tea Party staged/ Pope forced to end the order of Jesuits], and 252 years to 2025 [NOTE: 2.5.2 digits same as 2025]
1899 is 63 to 1962 [Flash crash market] +63 to 2025 [63+63 is 126. 126+126 is 252]
1755 transcontinental quake 135 years to 1890, and 135 years to 2025
1913 Federal Reserve founded + 56 is 1969 +56 is 2025
1801 [London Stock Exchange begun] +112 years is 1913 +112 years is 2025
1865 NYSE moved into its first permanent home – on a portion of its present Broad Street site 80 years to 1945, +80 years to 2025. NOTE: 1865 and 1945 were END of major American wars
2010 in May 6th the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100, and the Russell 2000 collapsed and rebounded within a 36-minute timespan. Approximately $1 trillion in market capitalization was wiped out on the Dow, though it recovered most of its decline by the end of the trading day. [ is 15 years to 2025, +15 years to 2040 [Systemic Market Crash]
1801 London Stock Exchange begun +112 years is 1913 Federal Reserve begun +112 years is 2025.
135 Fall of Jerusalem is 945 years to 1080 AD Fall of Papacy/AntiPopes/ Knights of Malta, and 945 years to 2025 [1890 years]

Holofractal Projections
1792 May 17th is 233 years to 2025. 1792 1st financial panic of the nation. 233 divided by 1.618 is 144.
1800 [US govt moves to Washington DC]; 225 years to 2025. 2025 divided by 9 is 225 [2.2.5. date self-referencing]
1817 Panic of 1817, the New York Stock & Exchange Board [March 8] adopting its Constitution +52 years to 1869 Rothschild appointed Director Bank of England +52 years to 1921 Rothschild Bank of England loans Germany money to rebuild collapsed economy. + 52 years is 1973 [Yom Kippur War/ Oil Crisis Crash] +52 is 2025.
2025.5 +11.5+11.5+11.5+11.5+11.5+11.5+11.5 is precisely 2106. This means MAJOR EVENT in 2025 AFTER APRIL [11.5 years is 138 months] 1857 panic +72 years is 1929 crash +72 years to 2001. [72 is 24 x 3. 2001 +24 is 2025]
1962 was 48 years to 2010. 48 divided by pi is 15. 2010 + 15 years is 2025.
1801 is 170 years to 1971. 170 divided by pi is 54. 1971 + 54 is 2025
1353 Final Year Black Death 672 [276]

2025 Timeline
46 BC Roman Julian Calendar Begun: Year of Confusion
135 Bar-Kochba Rebellion
369 Goth-Roman War ends with peace settlement
507 Christian Franks take all of France from Goths
645 Christian assault taking back Alexandria,Egypt from Saracens
1080 Anti-Popes begun dividing the Papacy; Knights of Malta founded to protect Christians in Jerusalem
1095 AD [Year that kicked off the Crusades] Pope called for a Holy War against Islam
1248 [Seventh Crusade against Egyptian controllers of Jerusalem]
1260 Egypt invaded by Mongols
1353 Final Year Black Death
1566 strange things in sky over Basle
1611 KJV published
1629 Italy/Europe plague
1665 Final Year Black Death in England
1755 transcontinental quake
1773 [British Stock Exchange est/ Boston Tea Party staged/ Pope forced to end the order of Jesuits
1779 [ISO 1902] Spain enters American Revolutionary War for US
1785 Illuminati outlawed by Bavaria; US unanimously adopts the dollar as the American currency 240 years to 2025
1792 1st financial panic in US
1800 [US govt moves to Washington DC
1801 [London Stock Exchange begun
1817 Panic of 1817, the New York Stock & Exchange Board [March 8] adopting its Constitution
1818 [First Rothschild loan
1825 (The house of Rothschild rescues the Bank of England. The bubble of speculating mania burst in 1825 causing a run on the reserves of the Bank of
England; the bank was sustained by a large payment by the house of Rothschild.
1849 California gold rush
1857 Panic/ California epic quake
1865 NYSE moved into its first permanent home – on a portion of its present Broad Street
1869 Rothschild appointed Director Bank of England
1872 Queen of England become Empress of India
1887 [900,000 died China flooding]; 1887 France imposes a colonial system over Vietnam, calling it French Indochina. The system includes Tonkin,
Annam, Cochin China and Cambodia
1902 Queen of England died/ volcanoes killed many/ Jewish takeover of US/ Washington DC redesigned Masonically
1905 [Bolsheviks financed revolt but failed, resulting in pogrom
1913 Federal Reserve founded
1917 US invades Europe/ British take Jerusalem from Turks/ Bolsheviks take Russia/ CFR founded in NY/ 70k people in Portugal see a vision
1921 Rothschild Bank of England loans Germany money to rebuild collapsed economy
1929 Stock Market Crash
1935 [Great Pyramid/Eye printed on money/Social Security Act began/ Nuremburg Laws condemn the Jews/ Richter Scale for quakes invented/ Quake British Raj
1944 largest naval invasion in history, by US/ European genocide by USSR
1945 WWII ends
1948 [Palestine given to Jews and Arab League attacks Jerusalem]1948 Chinese begin mass genocide of political dissidents. WHO began 1948. India-Pakistan War, India becomes independent. Quake Turkmenistan
1953 Mark W. Clark for the UN Command, Peng Dehuai for the Chinese, and Kim Il-Sung for North Korea conclude an armistice ending hostilities. A demilitarized zone is created
1962 [Flash crash market]; Sino-Indian border war
1965 First major US military offensive in Southeast Asia. Rolling Thunder,
U.S. troop buildup and the battle of the Ia Drang Valley. Second IndiaPakistan War
1969 NASA Apollo psyop
1971 [ISO 1998]
China entered United Nations
Taiwan expelled
US President Richard Nixon ends blockade against People's Republic of China
India invades Pakistan, Third India-Pakistan War
Nixon took America off the Gold Standard
NASDAQ stock exchange, 2nd largest in world behind NYSE, founded in New York City
After 1,200 years Great Britain abandons pence & shilling system for decimal currency
United Kingdom lifts all restrictions on gold ownership
Egypt, Libya & Syria form federation (FAR)
Egypt refuses to renew the Suez cease fire
Chatrooms make their debut on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet
US President Nixon authorizes arrest of 13,000 anti-war protesters in 3 days
NSA Henry Kissinger secretly visits the People's Republic of China to negotiate a detente between the US and China mass arrests, killings in Ireland/IRA, all year
US President Richard Nixon announces 90-day freeze on wages, prices & rents
Egypt adopts its constitution
The Nepal stock exchange collapses.
Battle of Garibpur: Indian troops aided by the Mukti Bahini, Bengali guerrillas, defeat the army of Pakistan
California quake
1973 Yom Kippur War [Egypt] / Oil Crisis Crash
1979 “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” in 1979 eventually led to a thaw in relations with the self-ruled island. In 1979, the US establishes diplomatic relations with China but also commits to assisting the defence of Taiwan.
2001 9/11 Stock Market week off
2010 May 6th the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100, and the Russell 2000 collapsed and rebounded within a 36-minute timespan. Approximately $1 trillion in market capitalization was wiped out on the Dow, though it recovered most of its decline by the end of the trading day. Haite quake
2040 Phoenix reset
2106 End of Calendar
2178 Total Systemic Reset/New Calendar Begun

Reorganized by topic, removing calendrics

900,000 died China flooding
Chinese begin mass genocide of political dissidents
China entered United Nations
Taiwan expelled
US President Richard Nixon ends blockade against People's Republic of China
Henry Kissinger secretly visits the People's Republic of China to negotiate a detente between the US and China
“Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” in 1979 eventually led to a thaw in relations with the self-ruled island
US establishes diplomatic relations with China but also commits to assisting the defence of Taiwan.
North Korea conclude an armistice ending hostilities. A demilitarized zone is created
France imposes a colonial system over Vietnam, calling it French Indochina First major US military offensive in Southeast Asia. Rolling Thunder

British take Jerusalem from Turks
Seventh Crusade against Egyptian controllers of Jerusalem
Palestine given to Jews and Arab League attacks Jerusalem
Yom Kippur War
Nuremburg Laws condemn the Jews
Fall of Jerusalem
Fall of Papacy
Egypt invaded by Mongols
Egypt, Libya & Syria form federation (FAR)
Egypt refuses to renew the Suez cease fire
Egypt adopts its constitution
Palestine given to Jews and Arab League attacks Jerusalem]
Yom Kippur War with Israel

India becomes independent, India-Pakistan War
India invades Pakistan
Battle of Garibpur: Indian troops aided by the Mukti Bahini, Bengali guerrillas, defeat the army of Pakistan in Third India-Pakistan War
Second Indian-Pakistan War

Western Christian Nation Assault
Christian assault taking back Alexandria, Egypt from Saracens
Rome invades north Africa
1611 KJV published
Christian Franks take all of France from Goths
Goth-Roman War ends with peace settlement
US invades Europe
Bolsheviks take Russia
Pope called for a Holy War against Islam largest naval invasion in history, by US
European genocide by USSR

Aerial phenomena
strange things in sky over Basle
70k people in Portugal see a vision
Italy/Europe plague
Black Death in England
Final Year Black Death

Richter Scale for quakes invented California quake. transcontinental quake
2010. Haite quake approximately 220,000 people were killed
1948 Ashgabat earthquake Turkmenistan

Great Pyramid/Eye printed on money
Social Security Act began
First Rothschild loan (Rothschild Archives)
The house of Rothschild rescues the Bank of England. The bubble of speculating mania burst in 1825 causing a run on the reserves of the Bank of
England; the bank was sustained by a large payment by the house of Rothschild.
California gold rush
Economic panic
flash-crash was in May; demonstrated how quickly market psychology can shift
Nixon took America off the Gold Standard
NASDAQ stock exchange, 2nd largest in world behind NYSE, founded in New York City
After 1,200 years Great Britain abandons pence & shilling system for decimal currency
United Kingdom lifts all restrictions on gold ownership
US President Richard Nixon announces 90-day freeze on wages, prices & rents The Nepal stock exchange collapses.
British Stock Exchange est/ Boston Tea Party staged
Federal Reserve founded
London Stock Exchange begun
NYSE moved into its first permanent home
END of major American wars
May 6th the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100, and the Russell 2000 collapsed and rebounded within a 36-minute timespan. Approximately $1 trillion in market capitalization was wiped out on the Dow, though it recovered most of its decline by the end of the trading day.
Bitcoin valuation
London Stock Exchange begun
Federal Reserve begun
May financial panic of the nation
Economic Panic
New York Stock & Exchange Board [March 8] adopting its Constitution
Rothschild appointed Director Bank of England
Rothschild Bank of England loans Germany money to rebuild collapsed economy
Yom Kippur War
Oil Crisis Crash
Economic panic
Stock Market Crash
Flash crash
Economic panic/crash crypto is born
Bitcoin emerged
Bitcoin exploded
US unanimously adopts the dollar as the American currency

Year of Confusion
Year of Confusion/ New Calendar start. Roman Julian
WHO began
CFR founded in NY
Illuminati outlawed by Bavaria
Bolsheviks financed revolt but failed, resulting in pogrom
German victory in Europe
Commune of France falls [Communist]
Pope forced to end the order of Jesuits
US govt moves to Washington DC
US President Nixon authorizes arrest of 13,000 anti-war protesters in 3 days bombings, mass arrests, killings in Ireland/IRA, all year

Chinese aggression against Taiwan. United States and the West politicize vocally their support for Taiwan while securing secret trade agreements with China. Taiwan is made weak. Chinese engage in publicity campaign to assuage Taiwanese while also executing political dissidents. China may suffer high death toll from ecological disaster.
Somewhere in Asia and joint US-French military operation will occur.

Jerusalem attacked with Egypt as participant.

Egypt engages in military actions against Israel, joined possibly by Libya and Syria.

India and Pakistan will engaged in conflict.

Western Christian Nation Assault
A US-led coalition of western Christian nations initiate military operations in northern Africa, Egypt. There will be a Christianity-vs-Islam theme attached to the operation. Conflicts between Islamists and Christians will occur in several places in Europe, with Russia a participant.

Aerial phenomena
Over Europe or the Mediterranean will be seen something very strange in the sky. A sickness will break out and be attributed to this event.

A quake will occur in California in 2025. No matter the magnitude it will not be near as devastating as a quake that will happen in 2027. Example:
1906 San Francisco Horror is 83 years to 1989 Cali quake, and 38 years
[reverse 83] to 2027. Confirmation: 1906 quake is 65 years to Cali quake in 1971, and 56 [reverse of 65] years is 2027. Further confirmation: 1971 quake is 18 years to 1989 quake. 18 x pi is 56 years. 1971 + 56 years is 2027.

Market flash-crash around May and widespread panic in the financial world. An Asian exchange completely crashes. Worldwide attention focused on US dollar, the Federal Reserve, the London and New York Stock Exchange and Social Security.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency either enjoy a surge in value or the cryptocurrencies recover almost instantly.
The US and Britain [responding to New York and London exchanges] introduce new legislation concerning gold. Either a new currency is introduced or new values are given to the existing currencies. There may be a freeze on prices, wages and rents during the transition period.
The sudden crash of the markets results in major transference of wealth and is over as fast as it occurs. The calendrics link the entire affair to the Rothschilds.

Year of Confusion
There are many signifiers of a loss of Jewish wealth, influence and power across the board. This may or may not be connected to the market crash.
The major calendrical signatures show that a worldwide EVENT will transpire in or after April. This may or may not be connected to the market crash.
An EVENT in this year will actually be the starting point of a whole new calendar for a system [financial, political, religious] but may be implemented ex post facto at a future date.

2025: Presidential assassination in the field.
1785 + 80 to 1865 + 80 to 1945 + 80 to 2025.
1785 the US adopts the DOLLAR as official currency. 80 years later President
Lincoln is assassinated after issuing paper money called Greenbacks [prior to Civil War silver and golds coins were currency]. 80 years after Lincoln’s death in year Civil War ended President Franklin D. Roosevelt suddenly died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1945, year World War II ends. 80 years after is 2025, the 240th year of the pattern.
Four sitting Presidents have been assassinated. We have covered Lincoln. But assassination dates of Presidents Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy also form unique patterns connected to 2025.
Next pattern. 1901+ 62 years is 1963. +62 years is 2025.
President McKinley [Gold Standard Act]assassinated 1901, Theodore Roosevelt becoming President next. This was 62 years before President Kennedy assassinated 1963. This was 62 years before 2025.
Also linking 2025 to assassination is fact that 2025 is 144th year from 1881 when President Garfield was assassinated.
Kennedy was Democrat, youngest President ever elected
President Trump is now the oldest President to assume office
All five of these presidential deaths are linked to 2025 and to acts concerning new American currency, the Gold Standard. Historians have noted that both Lincoln and Kennedy had issues with existence of Federal Reserve. Kennedy Executive Order 11110 halted US Treasury from issuing silver.
Rest In Plastic Surgery. She Was an Icon and Inspiration For Demented Hoes Worldwide. So Brave.     (pagesix.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to NYC 7 hours ago (+11/-0)
4 comments last comment...
Who uses one of these?     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trope to AskUpgoat 9 hours ago (+16/-0)
21 comments last comment...

- I do!
Terms acceptable.     (i.imgur.com)
submitted by registereduser to whatever 11 hours ago (+23/-1)
14 comments last comment...
Driver rams New Year’s revelers in New Orleans, killing 10; FBI doesn’t believe he acted alone     (overthenewss.blogspot.com)
submitted by Solar_Ways to Jews 1 hour ago (+4/-1)
submitted by doginventer to conspiracy 1 hour ago (+3/-1)
“The” God from Enlil to Saturn - All Pro Pastors     (allpropastors.org)
submitted by doginventer to Christianity 2 hours ago (+3/-1)
ANNO DOMINI - Lew White [11.45]      (www.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to religion 2 hours ago (+3/-1)
LOL just discovered I got banned from v/Poal! The fucking irony.     (whatever)
submitted by Glowbright to whatever 11 hours ago (+16/-0)
36 comments last comment...
I guess @ShitsInHoneypots is a faggot
GNOSTIC BOOKS - Lew White [15.08]     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to Christianity 2 hours ago (+3/-1)
NewsNation Report: Three Men, Woman Seen On CCTV Placing IEDs in French Quarter Bins Prior To NOLA Vehicle Attack     (qu.ax)
submitted by Stompfaggots to news 10 hours ago (+14/-0)
4 comments last comment...
Catbox back up of video

One way or another, events that happen next year will determine the fate of not only Ukraine, but all of Europe and humanity as a whole.     (simplicius76.substack.com)
submitted by Sector2 to reality 12 hours ago (+18/-0)
16 comments last comment...

There's a speech by elensky, but do listen to the speech by ex-DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai for a Russian take on the state of things.