Throughout my life, I've seen that family has had the largest influence on every person I've ever met.
Every woman I've met who grew up without a father was a disaster.
My old vegan friend grew up without a father or siblings and now lives in the city chasing 'Muh mental health'. He is the most effeminate man I know yet he desires a hyper-feminized girlfriend. He's been unable to form any romantic relationships.
The men I've known were always in their darkest hours when separated from family for too long. Statistically, loneliness has always been the biggest factor in suicide.
One friend confided in me that he had tried to kill himself some years back. The first question I asked him: "Where was your family?" He explained that he was living alone as a drunken wretch in a job he hated. When his suicide attempt failed, he fortunately reforged his relationship with his family and is doing great now.
It's funny, I knew this gamer kid in high school. On all accounts, an underachiever: Happy to play video games all day and fuck off. Why was he so happy to relax through life while my vegan friend suffered unfathomable loneliness and existential despair? Oh, it's because gamer kid grew up with and is still surrounded by a supporting and loving family.
Those who were abused as children by their families also grew up to be pretty messed up. I know this one woman who faces emotional abuse constantly and refuses to move away from family. For years, I wondered why she wouldn't just move out and get her own place. Then it occurred to me that the bond with family is preferable to isolation - even if the conditions are not ideal.
One fellow I know has attempted suicide several times. He came from an abusive household and now resides alone a drunken wretch. HItler wrote about generational demoralization in his book and this old friend came to become a perfect example.
Another friend ended up being a total fuckoff. Grew up too comfortable and now pays for it as an underachieving adult. However, it never caused him any existential crisis as he was always surrounded by and, in his own way, providing for his family with basic chores for the household.
When I look back at my own life, my troubles began when I left my family. Leaving the nest is a rite of passage for young men, but let's not forget the power of a loving and supporting family.
Men should not be alone. Our esteem comes from our ability to protect, provide for, and lead our tribe. Without others, we cannot lead or serve. We can be neither the alpha or the omega.
So I hope you Niggerfaggots have a great time with your families on this Thanksgiving Holiday.
Just thought I would share an observation about the absolute state of America.
I've never seen so many mexicans before... they're EVERYWHERE now! I went shopping today, more than half the people were mexican. I went for a 10 mile bike ride today, I saw 2 White families cooking out and about 10 taconiggers having clan meetings with their brand-new vehicles parked down the roadway and laughing at all the gibs American taxpayers provide.