For context I work production in local news. Recently there’s been developments in AI driven systems that can do 100% of the production side of things which is, direct, audio operate, and graphic operate -all of those jobs are all now gone in one swoop. This has apparently been developed by the company Q ai.
For the last decade I’ve worked in local news and have garnered skills I thought I would be able to take with me until my retirement, now at almost 30 years old, all of those job opportunities for me are gone in an instant. The only person that’s keeping their job is my manager, who will overlook the system and do maintenance if needed. That’s 20 jobs lost and 0 gained for our station.
We were informed we are going to be the first station to implement this under our company. This means that as of now our entire production staff in our news station is being let go. Once the system is implemented and running smoothly then this system is going to be implemented nationwide (effectively eliminating tens of thousands of jobs.) There are going to be 0 new jobs built off of this AI platform.
There are people I work with in their 50’s, single, no college education, no family, and no other place to land a job once this kicks in. I have no idea what’s going to happen to them. This is it guys. This is what our future with AI looks like. This isn’t creating any new jobs this is knocking out entire industry level jobs without replacing them.
Sometimes you just have to forget about the blows you're taking and go forward until your last load is blown. Play this video when you think you can't do it and just imagine what grand master Fry here had to go through for all our freedom! Each one of you out there too can do it to make the world better not for your own standing, but for everyone who gets to watch you do it.
Jewish groups like ADL aim to destroy in-group preference of Whites. Once you destroy in-group preference you effectively destroy the race since the health and wellbeing of the race is no longer tended to.
I'm working on improving the first part of this quote to wake Whites to make it better:
--- MLK Jr. claimed Blacks were peaceful and enriching to integrate with, yet Blacks are 35 Times More Likely to Attack a White than the other way around.
Proof MLK Jr.'s "dream" was really a deadly nightmare.
Integration with Negroes is a dangerous game we have been playing with our children. ---
It occurred to me that MLK Jr.'s dream speech was promoting integration with Negroes, which is now statistically proven to be a public danger to White people. Yet so much of American history and American identity is based on that MLK Jr. dream of racial integration.