One of them gets it     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to ClownWorld 2 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Hero Irishman saves woman from invader rape.     (x.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Eurovasion 3 hours ago (+18/-0)
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Ketchum Idaho is sent 322 Peruvian families who don't speak English. They have nowhere to live and a murder rate four times of White America. Freedom of Association gone. Forced association forever.      (www.mtexpress.com)
submitted by Dindu to news 8 hours ago (+38/-0)
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How to park your helicopter     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to funny 7 hours ago (+30/-0)
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Segregation     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by shitface9000 to dogs 2 hours ago (+11/-0)
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I'd bite her on the leg too, if she played her cards right.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to RedneckGirls 5 hours ago (+17/-0)
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how to solve the US insurance company problem.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by the_old_ones to whatever 11 hours ago (+46/-0)
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$41 Billion of World Bank’s ‘Climate Change’ Fund Has Gone Missing — Headlines — October 25, 2024     (WorldNews)
submitted by carnold03 to WorldNews 7 hours ago (+22/-0)
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#$41 Billion of World Bank’s ‘Climate Change’ Fund Has Gone Missing — Headlines — October 25, 2024

$41 Billion of World Bank’s ‘Climate Change’ Fund Has Gone Missing

Oxfam launched an investigation into the World Bank’s handling of the funds and found that billions in “misplaced funds” had gone missing. FULL STORY

The New American Crisis, Part 2

The Rapidly-Growing Fifth Column. FULL STORY

Trump, Joe Rogan talk about corrupt media, vaccines, ‘gender transitions’ for children in 3-hour interview

In a highly anticipated interview with Joe Rogan, Trump rebuked ‘gender transitions’ for minors, said there must be voter ID and no mail ballots in the future, affirmed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will work in his administration on health issues, and vowed to end the war in Ukraine. FULL STORY

Canada Begins Euthanizing Citizens with ‘Covid-19 Vaccination Syndrome’

An Ontario man in his late 40s has become the first person to be euthanized for “post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome.” Doctors had determined that the patient had become a burden on the socialized healthcare system. FULL STORY

Jay David (Drunk3PO) Launches Graphic Novel Through Eric July's Platform Rippasend To Huge Initial Success

Rippasend has its first test in Drunk3PO's The Aromatic Chronicles, and comic backers appear happy to move from IndieGoGo to Eric July's new platform. FULL STORY

Archbishop Viganò endorses Trump, tells Catholics abstaining ‘means allying oneself with the enemy’

In an open letter addressed to American Catholics, former U.S. nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò argued that Donald Trump is the 'only possible choice' in the upcoming presidential elections and that his Democrat opponent Kamala Harris 'obeys Satan.' FULL STORY

Vote for Life, Marriage and the Family

Cardinal Burke's advice for voting your conscience. FULL STORY

Three More Invader Caravans Heading Towards U.S.-Mexico Border: “The Disaster Continues”

“This is all responsibility under the Biden administration, the Kamala Harris and Biden administration.” FULL STORY

Voter Guides for Authentic Catholics

Free download to print and distribute to friends, family, your parish. FULL STORY

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Trump will win! The reason is Biden/Harris didn't give israel everything they want while genociding the sand niggers. They held back free arms and money. It will cost them everything.     (kikes)
submitted by ProudRebel to kikes 7 hours ago (+15/-0)
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Pogrom now, then nuke israel.
My boys. original content     (streamable.com)
submitted by Cunty to whatever 4 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Wanted to share part of my morning forest walk with the dogs, for some reason when I changed my phone to landscape it didn't record as I wanted it to and so because it is a natural video I posted as is so call me a retards or whatever.

I have 2 dogs, the goldadore is a complete hunter and the huntaway cross(just recovering from a double arthroscopy) is more the intelligent, playful one. It's very unusual that they actually go off and do stuff together so I was quite surprised to see them come back with each other, obedience normally is out of the window when they have a scent. The big goldadore (41kg) should have been either a sniffer dog or a gun dog. The huntaway used to have 3 hours of frisbee a day, he can't ever do that again. So it is nice to see him starting to come around to finding other things to do.

Anyway, hope you're all having a good Monday. This is why I feel good on a Monday, out in nature!.
Bobby Fischer's "crazy conspiracy theory"     (youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 3 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Let me tell y'all about Dan     (whatever)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 5 hours ago (+9/-0)
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I used to work with this guy named Dan. I'm using the word "work" very loosely in this context, fuckin dude was lazy as shit. Dan is a kike and a member of the writers guild. He had written parts of a show that were bought by Netflix. He had credit for that work and his royalties jewed from him, so he moved back home to mommy and took a job tending bar. He was also an amateur comedian, and he used to pitch his bits to me.

Ok, so one day he comes in and he's got a new joke he wants to pitch. Fucker's excited, thinks he's got a real humdinger of a gut buster on his hands here. The joke starts off with him witnessing a mother screaming at her toddler. In his jew mind he imagines that's what must have happened to Hitler and now to prevent another Hitler he has to kill that baby. I just give him a "dude, fuck's wrong with you?" look, and tell him I think it needs some work.

So this, for me, really distills the jew mindset. I was only just starting to really know about jews when I worked with Dan, so this really aided in my understanding.

So yeah, we got a kike constantly thinking about Hitler and looking for any excuse to kill a White child and they think it's just the funniest shit ever. Don't know what made me think about that this morning, but thought I'd submit it for your consideration.

TL;DR? Nigger
God, Country. Family     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to religion 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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praise the Lord and pass the ammo

fuck your pronouns

looters will be shot
Just dying to get that perfect picture     (www.firstalert4.com)
submitted by Panic to Women 5 hours ago (+9/-1)
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true story from 1981     (Jews)
submitted by con77 to Jews 56 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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'79-'86. I was a Quartermaster in the Coast Guard.

My first assignment was on a 378' High Endurance Cutter. Crew of 150. Doing Alaska patrols.

In the seagoing services a Quartermaster is a navigator. after 2 years onboard I was an E-5 and doing the Chiefs job running the special nav and piloting team for restricted waters.

I was outstanding in my field and the crew and even the Officers held me in high regard.

Along comes Petty Officer First Class Rex Grossman. He was the MOST stereotypical NY jew you ever had the misfortune to meet. No exaggeration. He had the highest, whiniest, talk through your nose voice you've ever heard. Like a caricature of a caricature!

This was the bastards first ever seagoing assignment. How you make E-6 in a seagoing rate like navigation without ever having set foot on a ship I can only imagine involves a LOT of ass kissing!

My assignment. Given to me by my CPO. Was to get this guy up to speed. The problem was he resented being trained by someone junior in rank.

The fact that he was an arrogant asshole didnt help either. Living on a ship in the early 80's in conditions that would be illegal for prisoners to endure toughened us up a bit. And to be honest I was already tough and not an ass kisser when I got there.

I made an honest effort to train the guy but wasnt about to take any shit off him at all. He couldnt deal with it.

I remember a LTJG that had the conn underway pulling jewboy aside and telling him in front of the entire bridge crew to "shut up and listen to Petty Officer con77!"

I went into the chart room to do some work one day and found a stack of booking sheets in the trash. A booking was like being put on report and had financial and even reduction in rank implications.

They were all written on me by jewboy and SHITCANNED by the Chief of my division! Wherever you are Chief Edge (real name) thankyou!

As I recall Grossman didnt complete the normal 2 year assignment and left the ship before I did a year later.

The fucking pussy.
You cant even say anything remotely socio political on websites anymore with out getting visited by the cops or feds or getting banned. It's getting real Nazi Germany out there folks.     (whatever)
submitted by Hypercyberpastelgoth91 to whatever 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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DNA father says race is linked to IQ. Loses his titles     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 9 hours ago (+16/-3)
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election pledge     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 11 hours ago (+19/-1)
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Black girl gets Ben Shapiro to admit Jews aren't White     (youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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PROPHECY WARNING: Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed (WW3) - Parable of the Vineyard [2.15.17]     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to religion 8 hours ago (+9/-0)
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Holy Shitballs You Niggerfaggots! I Found A Case Against The Existence Of Israel On Reddit. Fucking Reddit! Check this shit out!     (whatever)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 15 hours ago (+30/-0)
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CMV: Jews have no legitimate claim to the land of modern day Israel. A two-state solution is already a major concession made by the Palestinians.

Delta(s) from OP
After reading about the Israel-Palestine conflict, I was shocked at how rarely people point out the flawed logic behind pro-Israel arguments. I do not believe Jews have a meaningful claim to the land of Israel, and a "Jewish state" should have never been established in the region. I will be debunking common arguments for a Jewish state of Israel below, and will gladly respond to any others that are brought up to this post.

The Jews deserve a homeland because centuries of history have shown their safety is never guaranteed in non-Jewish countries.
I agree, Jews have every right to establish their own country so they do not have to worry about being a persecuted minority. However, Jews do not have a right to establish a Jewish state over a region that is already inhabited by non-Jewish people. If the principal concern is establishing a country where Jews can be safe, why does it have to be established in a region that is majority Muslim? There are other regions of the world with unoccupied land, but Jews insist their nation be established over the historic land of Israel. In this case, the "Jews just want a homeland" is a red herring to avoid the issue of a Jewish state being established over a region occupied by Arabs for centuries.

2) Jews legally bought land in Palestine in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Yes, Jews legally bought land during both the Ottoman and British administration of the region. However, these were regarding private ownership of the land, which is different from sovereignty of the land. Many Chinese people buy real estate in Vancouver, but it does not mean Chinese people buy the sovereignty of Vancouver. The land is still legally the territory of Canada, Chinese people cannot establish a "Chinese state" because they bought real estate in Vancouver. Therefore, Jews legally buying land in Palestine does not mean it gives them the right to establish a Jewish state on that land.

3) Jews earned the right to establish a Jewish state in Israel after it negotiated the Balfour Declaration from Britain.

This was a colonial era document. If you think colonial territory agreements should be maintained, then you are against the independence of Korea, Vietnam, India, etc. The British should have never made such promises on the first place, especially considering they made overlapping promises to the Arabs in the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence. A similar argument is that Jews earned the land after winning a war instigated by an Arab coalition. This is right by conquest, which has no longer been recognized by international law since the resolution of WW2.

4) Jews made better use of their land than the original Ottoman/Arab landowners. "Israelis like to build, Arabs like to bomb and..." Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, where gay people can have their relationship legally recognized.

People bring up these points because they believe Israelis have made "better use" of the land than their Palestinian Arabs counterparts, therefore Jews deserve the land. This is not how sovereignty works. Imperial Japan was famous for using this argument to justify the annexing/colonization of Okinawa/Taiwan/Manchuria/Korea/etc. This was almost universally condemned, and Imperial Japan is nothing more than two mushroom clouds over the ash heap of history. Even if Japan made greater crop yields/repealed some antiquated practices/provided industrial living conditions to these colonies, doesn't change the fact they were occupying land and people against their will.

5) Arabs live much more peaceful and prosperous lives in Israel, compared to life in Palestine. Israel grants equal rights to it's Arab citizens, many of which are part of the Israeli government.

Just because you give equal rights to Palestinian Arabs doesn't mean you are entitled to their land. By this logic, US can annex even more of Mexico, so long as it offers the Mexicans in the region full US citizenship. It also doesn't solve the issue that the Arabs cannot truly be equals when a Jewish state occupies a majority Muslim region. If you believe in truly equality, you would not need to enshrine Israel as a "Jewish state," this is just to hedge against the fact the region of Palestine is majority Arab Muslims.

6) Jews were the original inhabitants of the region, Jews have maintained a continuous presence in the region of Israel throughout history.

Regardless of who the original inhabitants of the region were, the majority of the region has been inhabited by Arab Muslims for the past few centuries. If you believe being the original inhabitants entitles you to the land forever, does that mean the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand have to return the land to the indigenous population? These indigenous groups were displaced within the past 5 centuries, with some regions still being majority indigenous until the past 2 centuries, whereas Jews did not administer the region for over a millennium. I understand this is a very serious part of your identity, with the name "Palestine" already being a huge scar in your ethnic history, but we cannot undo these tragic events in your history. America is named after an Italian explorer, our capital is named after a colonizer and a slaveowner. The Jews are not the only ones who have historical trauma.

7) There was no such thing as a "Palestinian" identity until recently, they were just Arabs. Arabs have 22 countries, why can't they accept there being one Jewish state?

Most serious people are not saying there cannot be a Jewish state. They are merely arguing that you cannot establish a Jewish state over land that is already inhabited by Arabs. Just because Arabs have a lot of land, doesn't mean you are entitled to some of their land. By this logic, Korea is entitled to some of China's land, Bangladesh is entitled to some of India's land, and Mongolia is entitled to some of Russia's land. It doesn't matter whether the Arabs considered themselves distinctly Palestinian, they are not Jewish and do not want to be under a Jewish state.

8) Israel has always been willing to give concessions for peace, but the Palestinians always reject peace treaties.

From the very start, these peace proposals have been favored towards Israel. The 1947 borders gave the Jewish minority sovereignty over the majority of land in the region. Other sore spots include Israel wanting sovereignty over East Jerusalem, and Israel wanting their borders to encompass areas with arable land and water sources. A two state solution is already a large concession for the Palestinans to make, Israel should offer more concessions.

9) Israel wants peace, but the Palestinians choose terrorism. Israel has no choice but to make "hard decisions" for its own security. The Arab League/Muslim Brotherhood/Iran all want us blown off the map.

Palestinians had no interest in being under a Jewish state, yet it was imposed against their will. It is not unlike the Macabbeans, who revolted against their Seleucid occupiers. You can't occupy/displace people and then be shocked when they fight back. Israel is not a perfect victim, it exacerbated the problem when it bankrolled extremists groups in Palestine in order to destabilize the opposition. While I acknowledge Israel has legitimate security concerns from hostile neighbors, what did you expect when you displaced Muslims to establish a Jewish state in a region dominated by Muslims?

Ideally, the region of Palestine should have been one state, where the rights of the Jewish minority would be enshrined in its constitution. Ultimately, I recognize that Israel has existed for almost 75 years, and at this point the one-state solution is no longer viable. Most of the world has made the right steps in accepting Israel as a member of the world. I wrote this post because I wanted to point out that the framework of the two state solution should have never been used in the first place, and the two state solution is the consequence of the UN's failure to objectively solve the problem in 1947.
Cats are fucking gay     (whatever)
submitted by GreenSaint to whatever 7 hours ago (+14/-6)
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good way to learn c++?     (www.sololearn.com)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 3 hours ago (+3/-0)
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Jury: Workers Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine To Get More Than $1 Million Each     (www.zerohedge.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to DeathVax19 15 hours ago (+25/-0)
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Tiny house with elaborate – and erotic – frescoes unearthed at Pompeii     (edition.cnn.com)
submitted by paul_neri to History 9 hours ago (+10/-1)
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