I enjoyed this     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteBeauty 7 hours ago (+43/-0)
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Woman gets 9 years prison for un-sanctioned backup of election data showing different result than public data. If she didn't have the real data, why is she in prison?     (basedunderground.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Weimerica 6 hours ago (+40/-0)
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“Tina Peters backing up the elections data before they wiped the systems gave the public a rare opportunity to analyze before and after the tampering – and it shows clear and deliberate manipulation of the voting systems,” Strand explains.

“Now we know why the Democrat Judge in her case refused nearly all of her witnesses and excluded virtually all of her defenses, then sentenced her to 9 years in prison – because if this became a nationwide story the entire house of cards with Dominion could fall.”
Comet over my parts this evening     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by PenisEnvy to whatever 3 hours ago (+19/-0)
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It was faint with the naked eye.
When you get paid 55k/year to deal with hideously massive niggers slicing your face open      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to ClownWorld 5 hours ago (+26/-1)
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Dad finds, kills POS who had his missing little girl     (lawenforcementtoday.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to UpliftingNews 2 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Unfortunately he's in jail.

“We absolutely called 911 during the entire event,” she wrote on Facebook. “We had no idea this man was in contact with our child again. He was waiting 6-9 felonies for what he did, not 2. He was looking at the rest of his pathetic life in jail, and our daughter was the only witness.”

“Some things we will never know, but we know that the police department afforded this predator privacy they did not give our family,” she wrote. “I’m deeply offended by the way this was handled by the county sheriff’s office.”
This 95 y.o. grandma was recently sent to prison in Germany     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to videos 9 hours ago (+38/-0)
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Kids say the darnedest things - "Woke Armor"     (whatever)
submitted by Glowbright to whatever 2 hours ago (+9/-0)
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"Woke Armor" - My daughter used this term to me this evening and I could not be more proud. The context was that she was complaining about a teacher at school. She contends that the teacher is not teaching the course material. She complains that today the teacher started a new subject but last week there was a test that had questions on that subject before it was ever taught to the class... I took issue with that one and said I would complain to the principal. My daughter said "No Dad! They will not do ANYTHING! She is trans! She has Woke Armor!"

That one phrase demonstrated a depth of understanding that made me smile.
The great beep of Hatshepsut     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Niggers 4 hours ago (+11/-0)
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smoke detector says what?
I think I had my first bona fide run-in with a "Karen" today     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to TellUpgoat 6 hours ago (+13/-0)
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Shopping at the warehouse club. Passed by this lady a couple times in the aisles. Noticed she was squeezing through people but wasn't being courteous - one thing to be in a hurry, another to be an asshole. The third time we saw her she tried pushing her cart past ours on the side of the aisle and bumped it. If she said excuse me she barely muttered it. Anyway, I told her to say excuse me and be more patient next time.

I shit you not this lady turned around and bull-rushed up to me, stuck her arms out sideways, and said loudly, "WELL EXCUSE ME." I asked her if she wanted to hit me, otherwise get out of my face. She backed up and said again, "I DID SAY EXCUSE ME." I told her to buzz off and she said, "You are..." then basically short-circuited from the lack of emotional control. A female nigger moment. I repeated, "Buzz off, be more considerate in the future." Again she said, "YOU ARE..." then stomped away.

Funny thing is after I noticed I had one hand on my side ready to reach behind my back ready to pull out mister pocket knife. Wouldn't have done so with this hysterical cunt, it's just the instinct I've developed when dealing with retards. She was around 55 y.o. and at least 5'9" and thick but not fat, so I might have had my hands full if she wanted to scrap.

Not trying to sound like a hard-ass here, just sharing what's a more frequent occurrence and observation. It's more likely to see random people arguing and yelling at each other for whatever reason in public. Don't know how much of it was the clot shot, or just the social isolation, or something else but most people out there are borderline rabid. Cooler heads do prevail but I'm losing my patience with all the retards out there. I avoid engaging with them but in this case it was warranted.
One of you niggerfaggots told me about Oyster Sauce      (CookingWithGoats)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to CookingWithGoats 6 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Regarding muh fried rice a week or more ago, someone suggested I use oyster sauce, which I had never tried.
Gots me a bottle of Kikkoman brand and I took a swig outa the bottle right away. I instantly recognized the flavor profile and yes, this is the magical key to fried rice, I can tell. I’m finna make a pot of rice today or tomorrow to keep on hand for my next batch. I know it’s gonna be awesome. Thank you goat, whichever one you are!⚡️⚡️
Solve the border crisis with one simple trick     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Glowbright to Memes 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Welcome to the future, hope your favorite flavor is vanilla     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to whatever 11 hours ago (+29/-1)
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“Schoolgirls”     (www.dailymail.co.uk)
submitted by PostWallHelena to GuessTheRace 11 hours ago (+34/-1)
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“Schoolgirls” kicked to death this 110 lb old man undergoing chemo. Yeah I know he’s a nigger. Just pathetic. These she-boons are not being tried as adults and their identities are being protected. DC area.

Imagine if white kids had done this.

"This Fu****ing People!"     (media.gab.com)
submitted by beece to FunnyVideos 14 hours ago (+46/-3)
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I Ate a Dragonfruit; AMA     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to whatever 9 hours ago (+18/-2)
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It tastes like a kiwi but less sweet and less tart

kiwi tastes better
nYC is a third world shithole     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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African Bikers      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to videos 11 hours ago (+25/-0)
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“Expanded the number of offenses that can be charged as a hate crime.”     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Jews 5 hours ago (+8/-0)
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Incels are lining up to vote...     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by inaminit to whatever 10 hours ago (+20/-0)
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Christ-Cucks: A low IQ person is more likely to get into Heaven than a high IQ person, because High IQ people have more motive and opportunity to sin. Your Heaven is full of full of Retards.     (Christcucks)
submitted by Master_Foo to Christcucks 4 hours ago (+10/-6)
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is cancer due to parasites?     (x.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 47 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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Stoat in a Coat in a Boat on a Moat     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by lord_nougat to Art 5 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Nigger discovers wind power.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Rotteuxx to funny 11 hours ago (+23/-1)
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The main reason most Whites have fought against White Nationalism for the past 70 years is because their mainstream media has been against White Nationalism.      (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 17 hours ago (+57/-0)
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The main reason most Whites have fought against White Nationalism for the past 70 years is because their mainstream media has been against White Nationalism.

Do you agree?

And Whites need to be pro-White Nationalist in order for them to end White Genocide.

Therefore, ending White Genocide means conquering the mainstream media with White Nationalism.
The jew wants you heavily invested in the culture war while ignoring the race war     (whatever)
submitted by HeyJames to whatever 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
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This "good and evil" stuff is all fairytale with the goal of deflecting the real issue: race. Jews are simply practicing racial supremacy. After achieving dominance, I can promise you they give very little shits about religion let alone worshipping Satan. They worship themselves and their own tribe, and it brings them great pleasure to see their group gain power and influence.

While people argue and fight about politics and religion, their power literally increases. So long as we stay distracted away from race and tribalism, the jew is satisfied.

Abortion in a multi-racial society is probably the only thing keeping this country together. There would be about 50 million more niggers if not for abortion. All the faggot shit in schools means nothing compared to the hundred of thousands of wild spic and nigger migrants invading every day.

Open your fuckin eyes. Focusing on the cultural war when you've literally already lost the race war us hilariously stupid.