‘Conspiracy’ Confirmed: Fluoride in Drinking Water Likely Lowers Kids’ IQs     (headlineusa.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 5 hours ago (+18/-0)
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Peak Home Decor     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by SilentByAssociation to Guns 7 hours ago (+21/-0)
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crazy raccoon     (cdn.videy.co)
submitted by boekanier to AnimalsBeingBros 3 hours ago (+11/-0)
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let's play a game     (cdn.videy.co)
submitted by boekanier to AnimalsBeingBros 3 hours ago (+9/-0)
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The days are getting shorter, which means the nights are getting longer... That means there's more night for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come join us!     (Guitar)
submitted by TheRealBuddha to Guitar 9 hours ago (+25/-1)
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Once again, it's time for the FNGT!

If you don't know how this works, click this link. That link will take you to another site to give you some additional information and tell you about some of our off-site features. That's also the site where we will host the weekly guitar threads, should upgoat go down.

NOTE: That site is by invitation only. If you want an invite, ask a regular participant (such as @Sleazy or myself)

If you already know what's going on, you probably don't need to click any of those links. You can still visit to see if any changes have been made, as that's also where we kept the archives and have a second forum.

By the way, we're down to just two of us. If you want to help, let us know.
hate crime     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to Niggers 3 hours ago (+8/-0)
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Death wish on a bike     (media.gab.com)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to videos 7 hours ago (+15/-0)
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some seriously good riding, but man that guy is NUTS!
Niggers - For over 3 minutes.... no one even attempts basic first aid, or life support for two members of their own family.     (theworldwatch.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to whatever 10 hours ago (+21/-0)
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Dragonfish Photographed in the Mid Pacific Ocean at Ufiata Seamount by a Deep Water Submersible Rover in 2017, Surely Resembles the Nitetime Profile of the Emirates A380 .. must be where the Airbus design engineers got their inspiration     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to pics 44 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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Bet This Wagie Ran Back To His Cagie After This (You Won't Believe What Happens!!1)     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to wagies 9 hours ago (+16/-0)
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Journey - Wheel in the Sky (Official HD Video - 1978)     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by iSnark to GenerationX_Radio 3 hours ago (+5/-0)
Found some Jews talking about Freemasonry, they consider it a Noahide training school     (Jews)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to Jews 4 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Linda Olsvig Whittaker
· 5y
Thanks for the insight. I’m writing from Israel, my home. What does Freemasonry offer that makes it attractive to join? Is the the networking? Why become a Freemason? (Yes, I know the historical crafstman origin….)

Profile photo for Kenneth Hensley
Kenneth Hensley
· 5y
In general, think of it as a Noahide based fraternal organization.

I never served in IDF, but from what I hear in Shul, the bonds which develop are like the bonds which you might have with members of your IDF reserve unit.

Thanks for asking -hope to see Haifa again sometime.

It's now been 10 years since I went over to coontown which means some of you have been reading a ten year diary of me being racist all over the country.      (RealWhatever)
submitted by Dindu to RealWhatever 8 hours ago (+11/-0)
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a simple solution     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 15 hours ago (+36/-0)
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although painful for todays society
Heroic guy saves white girl from swamp monster     (www.fox10phoenix.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 14 hours ago (+27/-0)
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the geezer paradox     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by boekanier to OldSchoolCool 4 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Community Notes doxxes Conspirologist      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by GreatSatan to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
I Know a Few of You Have Been Requesting More Man On the Street Video Content From Me….     (whatever)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 12 hours ago (+19/-2)
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I have nothing at the moment, but if you would like to know more about my adventures, I strongly suggest you do a search of threads for the phrase “reminds me of” and you’ll see I have posted many little stories you can read.
Guys: I Have An Idea: CAPE FEAR: THE MUSICAL     (youtu.be)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to music 5 hours ago (+6/-1)
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My closing song is “Forever Max Cady” which is a remake of Jodeci’s “Forever My Lady.”

Here are lyrics ChatGPT wrote, but I think I can do better:

Forever Max Cady

Verse 1:
In the shadows, I’m waiting,
A force that you can’t deny.
With a thirst for revenge,
I’ll make your world collide.

Forever Max Cady,
In your mind, I’ll reside.
You can’t escape my fury,
I’m the darkness by your side.

Verse 2:
You thought you could run free,
But I’m closer than you know.
Every step that you take,
I’m the nightmare in your glow.

Forever Max Cady,
In your dreams, I’ll invade.
With a plan that’s so precise,
You’ll regret the choices made.

I’m the reckoning you fear,
A predator in your way.
Your past is coming back,
And I’m here to make you pay.

Forever Max Cady,
In your mind, I’ll reside.
You can’t escape my fury,
I’m the darkness by your side.

So beware, I’m coming near,
You’ll feel my haunting stare.
Forever Max Cady,
You’ll know I’m always there.

Essentially a love song to Max Cady who will forever be in our hearts. Also, I want to put in little ad-libs from the movie in the chorus because it’s a slow song thay accommodate it, e.g. “Forever my la-dy…. “(“YOU’RE GONNA LEARN ABOUT LOSS.”), etc.
Julia Lous Dreyfus has turned into Woody Allen     (media.breitbart.com)
submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 7 hours ago (+7/-0)
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Baldness is bitterness      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to owned 9 hours ago (+9/-1)
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I don't know how, I don't know why, but the average level of intelligence on this site has dropped dramatically recently! WTF!     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 9 hours ago (+10/-2)
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Did the government load up the water supply across the US with some kind of dumbass serum?
when everything they do is wrong theyre doing it on purpose     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 15 hours ago (+27/-0)
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whoever pulled joe and kamalas strings is the worst traitor in american history

Im lookin at you barak
Elmo’s suspicions grow     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Irelandlost to Memes 22 hours ago (+71/-0)
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SNEAKO 100% got bought out by the jews     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to GoodGoyim 7 hours ago (+5/-0)
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