Red Cross kept detailed records of all the deaths in the concentration camps. (271k)
-the allies broke the codes to the SS communications, and never heard anything about a Holocaust
-there is no order from Hitler for a “final solution.”
-Goebbels wrote in his diary that the end goal was to deport the Jews to Madagascar
-American executive expert Fred Leucther scraped the bricks of the Auschwitz gas chamber and found no Zyklon B residue.
-Paul Rassinier, a French communist, was in a concentration camp alongside Jews, and wrote about his experience being completely different.
-it was physically impossible to gas and cremate 6 million Jews in the time it was reported.
-the “death camps” were all found on the Soviet side after the war. How did Hitler know where the iron curtain would be?
-using Jewish sources, the worldwide Jewish population numbers did not decrease
-Rudolf Hoss who “admitted” to the 6 million extermination death, was tortured at Nuremberg
- many Jews and other inmates did die, as you see from some of the allies pictures, but it was a combination of starvation and Typhus, which was rampant at the end of the war.
-there is no evidence of mass graves or mountains of Ash that would have existed from a mass killing operation
-the highest Inmate number tattooed on a Holocaust survivor is 135,913
-when a German questions the Holocaust, he goes to prison, when a Jew says he’s a victim of the Holocaust, he gets a reparations check.