Dangus the petty loser has banned me from v/niggers for zero reason other than his own colossal butthurt
(whatever)UPDATE - another mod who is not a petty butthurt lardass kikefag unbanned me from v/niggers.
Earlier today I posted this submission in v/niggers. Now I've noticed I can't reply there or elsewhere on that sub.
https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=67b792a6b5b0aBackstory: for the past week dangus has been obsessively replying to me as a result of me making fun of him being fat, after he deleted a couple of my comments.
https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=67abcad70720bhttps://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=67ad20af96fdahttps://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=67abd0945e241If you go to the second and third links you can see long comment chains in which dangus kvetches and seethes, hoping to get the last word. I just kept mocking him for being a fat fuck retard. My last comment to him was this:
https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=67abd0945e241&commentid=67b6b2e8add7b Seething butthurt lardass pedo kikefag detected.
That must have pushed him over the edge - the truth hurts!
Now he'll come in here proclaiming I am "butthurt", he's "in my head", "hurr durr betas orbiting" etc. when it's clear he's a seething obsessive lardass. This level of faggotry from him is beneath even reddit.
Can a mod there unban me? Banning people from subs is b/c of them breaking rules or spamming, not because a mod is a loser who abuses the tiny sliver of power he has on this small website and has numerous unhealthy fixations on multiple users.
edit - looks like he also banned me from at least one other sub he mods.
https://www.upgoat.net/bannedsubusers?sub=wagiesHow mentally ill and obsessive is this butthurt fat fuck? LOL.