Negroids and women offered Air Traffic Controller candidates cheat sheets and answers by a top NBCFAE Coalition DEI Activist
(whatever)"He [Shelton Snow] was also its top national recruiter for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016."
[Shorter Excerpts]}
"A top 'DEI' activist is caught on voicemail allegedly offering minority air traffic controller candidates the chance to cheat in a make-or-break entry exam.
Shelton Snow, a powerful figure in the National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees (NBCFAE), can be heard promising advance access to test answers in a shocking audio clip obtained by
'There are some valuable pieces of information that I have taken a screenshot of and I am going to send that to you via email,' says Snow, an air traffic operations supervisor based out of New York.
'I am about 99.99 percent sure that it is exactly how you need to answer each question.'
But one former NBCFAE member, Matthew Douglas, told 'I know several people who cheated and I know several people who are controlling planes as we speak.'
The voicemail comes to light as President Donald Trump vows to purge DEI – diversity, equity and inclusion – from US aviation, among other federal agencies, in the wake of the deadly midair collision at Reagan National airport in January that claimed 67 lives.
The inside info was made available in 2014 to African Americans, females, and other minority candidates – but whites were left out of the loop to 'minimize competition'.
It added: 'We are only concerned about African-Americans, Women (of every ethnic background), and other minorities.
'Please ensure that you share this information with no one that is identified outside of that … this is to minimize competition.'
Snow went further in a voicemail, teasing inside info that would prevent NBCFAE-affiliated applicants from flunking the questionnaire.
'Washington Suburban associate members, brothers, and sisters … I know that each of you are eager, very eager to apply for this job vacancy … and trust that after tonight, you will be able to do so,' he says.
'I am asking that you … allow me to provide you with an email that will be extremely crucial in the opening stages of this hiring process.
'There is some valuable pieces of information that I have taken a screenshot of and I'm going to send that to you via email. Trust and believe it will be something that you will appreciate to the utmost.
'Keep in mind, we are trying to maximize your opportunities.'
Snow goes on to say during the three-and-a-half-minute clip: 'I'm gonna send it to each of you and as you progress through the stages, refer to those images so that you will know which icons you should select.
'Now I have a good mind to send it to one of my HR representatives first and give them the opportunity to sign off on it before you actually click it.
'But in the sake of time, I'm gonna send it directly to you because I'm about 99.99 percent sure that it's exactly how you need to answer each question in order to get through the first phase.
'People have been getting rejection notices … and I want to avoid that.'
When the voicemail was leaked by a whistleblower and featured in a 2015 Fox Business report the FAA came under pressure to investigate.
Snow admitted he had organized a teleconference to 'walk through' the test and explain 'to each person how they should answer the questions.'
The Department of Transportation's Office of the Inspector General nonetheless cleared him to continue his FAA career, concluding in 2016: 'The findings in this investigation did not warrant a referral to a federal prosecutor.'
Snow went on to become the NBCFAE's Northeast Regional Vice President. He was also its top national recruiter for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016."